MOVING!! 90 gallon reef -Need to sell EVERYTHING!!!


New member
We have decided to move, and are not willing to take a chance with the tank, so am getting out of things for now. At this point I am trying to sell my whole 90 gallon reef setup as a whole. I have a HUGE amount of money invested into this, but would sell the whole setup for $975 as a whole, easily taking a $1000-$1500 hit.

Included is:
1) 90 gallon glass aquarium with solid wood stand and canopy.

2) PFO HQI magnetic ballast with 2 - brand new 250 watt 14k metal halide bulbs, also includes moguls, and reflectors. I can also include some older 250 watt 10k Ushio bulbs as well. Also has 2 VHO bulbs with separate ballast

3) Aqua C Remora protein skimmer with pump - very efficient

4) AMiracle extra large wet/dry, using as a sump

5) Approx 160 pounds of BEAUTIFUL live rock with growth of all kinds on it

6) Approx 75 pounds of great live sand

7) Fish include (all beautiful healthy fish):
Blue Hippo Tang - medium size
Purple Tang - medium size
Yellow Tang - medium size
Maroon clown - medium to large size
Percula clown - small - (I know I know, but they get along fine)
Royal Gramma
Pajama Cardinal
sand sifting star
brittle star
numerous snails and hermits

8) Corals are too numerous to mention, as it has ALOT of stuff in there, mostly softies. I will put together a complete list if needed, but includes:
HUGE finger leather
2 gree polyp leathers (one large, one small)
Crocea clam
large piece of live rock with approx 200 brown/orange zooas
bubble coral
candy cane - approx 30 heads
green brain
pulsing xenias
VERY LARGE purple tip sabae anenome
many different zooanthids
many different mushrooms
many different leathers
lots and lots more misc

I will try to get pics posted, but am having a hard time getting them downsized to 50 kb or less (any suggestions?) In the meantime if you want pics I can email them to you.:eek1:

I have a rubbermaid if you want to try and take care of it that way instead of selling. When I redid my tank, my fish, corals, rock, etc all hung out and did fine for a couple of months.

Hey Kip
We are moving back to Iowa, where reefing is nonexistent. We will be living with family for a couple months till we find a house, so everything would have to go through a whole lot before reaching a final destination.

As far as the sale of things, I would still like to sell as a whole. Later I will post a price list of things individually as it looks like there is a lot of interest in separating things. Still trying to get pics up, but cannot get them downsized. Thanks for all the interest for those who have pm'ed me. I will respond later today if I decide to split things up.
Lets try some pics

Lets try some pics


I am going through the situation as you right now, I am moving in a few weeks and I am debating on if I should sell my tank and livestock or try and risk moving it, I really want to keep it but the wife does not :(. I might have to send you a PM on the rubbermaid KIP. Goodluck in Iowa Jim and stay in touch here .
