moving a tank to set up new one


New member
Hi everyone, I was wondering how would I move my 29 to make way for a 75? I want to put the 75 where the 29 is, so how do I cycle the 75 and everything? PLus I really wanted to use the water thats in the 29 b/c of expense reasons. I use distilled water by the gallon so naturally I would like to use what I already have.
Hmm, I've moved tanks before. It's a fair amount of work, but you could just move the 29g to a temporary location. You'd need to take everything out of the tank, IMO, and then reassemble.

Alternatively, you could move everything from the 29 into the 75g, and set up the new tank that way, just add some new saltwater. Then, you could cure the new live rock (if any) in the 29g and move it into the 75g when done.

How much sand is there in the 29g and how much do you want in the 75g? How about live rock?
First, I appreciate your reply. I have about 30 pds of live rock. I am not planning to get anymore. If anything I would just get base. I have about 1-1.5 inch of crushed aragonite for substrate. If I just put everything in like a big trashcan and quickly set up the new 75, doesnt the new 75 need to cycle?
Well, lots of people talk about "cycling the tank", but the tank itself doesn't really do much besides hold water. If you have 30 pounds of live rock, you should be able to move it and have a filter going right away. I would try to keep the live rock underwater at all times, and move quickly so that nothing gets too cold.

Adding base rock to the tank after putting your live rock might be a nuisance, but should be doable.

I guess I'd be sure to have plenty of warm saltwater ready to go, and match the parameters closely to the 29g. You could add it fairly slowly to the 75g to reduce the shock.

If that's scary, you could just move the 29g, reassemble it, and get the new base rock, etc, going in the 75g, although you'll need a heater and some powerheads to keep that tank going.
I had to move my 72 to my new house. I bought a few rubbermaid containers that they use for under bed storage. I used 1 for my corals and one for my rock. I siphoned water from the tank to the containers till the tank water was down to the level of the rock. I placed the corals in the first container and put and airstone in to help with a little circulation and keeping the water oxegenated. Did the same with the second and placed the smaller rock and the fish into that one. For the rest of the rock I just used 5 gallon buckets and added the water from my tank and covered the exposed rock with damp paper towels.
Are you going to put corals into the tank or is it FOWLR?
I do not have corals right now, except if you count my mushrooms. My biggest fear is losing my fish. I have had them all a year and would not want to lose them or stress them to the point they get sick. Right now I am thinking of just moving the 29 to a different area, and giving everything time to recover. I have heard not to ever move a glass tank with water in it. Is this true and/or how much water can I leave in it just to move it across the room? It would be really great if I did not even have to take the fish out.
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30 gig should be movable, You could drain half of the water out if you want to. If you are worried about your fish why not move LR into the 75 with a new batch of saltwater. Add all your base rock or anything new also. Then you could keep the fish in your 29 so you can monitor your parameters in the 75. When you feel its safe you can add your fish to the 75.
Moving a tank with water in it is really dangerous. The stress from the water pushing out can cause a tank to burst. In addition, when you move it the sand bottom is going to get stirred up and cause your parameters to jump. I would make about 30 gallons of new water. You ight be able to get a large rubbermaid container and place the all the rock and fish into it with tank water to cover the rock. Attach an air pump to keep the water moving and add oxygen to the old water till you are ready to replace fish & rock. This should remove most of the water from the tank. I would remove the remaining water. Move the 29 out of the way, add the new water to fill the 29 tank. Start your filtration to remove any debris then drip the tank water to the fish for about an hour or till you double the volume of the containers. Place rock and fish back into 29 and top off if needed. The addition of the rock and fish will replace a lot of the drip water and then you can top off with the remainder of the new water.
Has anyone tried those things call mighty movers with a fish tank? You use them to move furniture and stuff with ease.
If you try to move the tank with all the water in it, IMO, you should place some type of strap or banding around the tank to help contain the sides. If you look at your tank now you may see the sides bulging from the water inside.