Sm Hippo tang
Sm Yellow Tang
Sm Kole Tang
Pair True Percs Clowns
Pair Dark Oscelaris Clowns
Yellow Chromis
Pyle Wrasse
Bi-Colored African Lepoard Wrasse
Cleaner Shrimp
Pink Tube Nem
Some SPS, Chalice, Acans, LPS, Leathers/Softies, Mushrooms, Ricordeas, Cloves, several gonaporas, etc etc Your typical mixed reef...
Running Thrive Biopellets, 2LF150 GFO, Carbon, oversized Skimmer, DIY Refugium with Cheato, UV light, and DIY Filter Sock that I modified for Megaflow Sump where the bioballs were. Dosing 2 part Cbalance, Bio-Calcium, and small amounts of vodka if i even smell nitrates as well as Magnesium, iodine, potassium, and trace elements from Seachem.
Feeding my own version of Rods Food Recipe, mysis, Roa, Phyto, Fuel, oysterfest, garlic soaked pellets as well as Nori a few times a week. Yes, the fish and corals are fat and happy.
Happy Reefing! Thank you for looking at my post! Cheers, Matthew