Multicontroller 7094 Setting?


New member
I just got my TS24. I am trying to set it up at Pulse & Tide mode. I connected pumps to socket 8 & 11, set the pulse at highest, which is about 7 seconds per the manual, and set mode switch at middle for pulse.

Now, please explain to me what interval does. I know I have to set the interval switch at the top(1-12hrs) and turn the interval knob halfway meaning about 6 hrs. But, I don't understand what the pumps do to simulate the high tide/low tide effect.

You need to set the switch to the top- tide mode. Then the interval light will come on and you set an interval between the two pumps. One will be on and pulse while it is on then after the interval the other will come on and the first one will turn off. The idea is for the flow to switch sides- water coming at at high tide and going out at low tide.

Right now you are in pulse mode so both pumps are on and pulsing at all times and interval isn't used.