Multicontroller Question


New member
Hi Roger:

I hope you can help me with a Multicontroller problem. I bought a Multicontroller and a Stream 6100 a couple of months ago and all has been fine. My second Stream was on backorder and I got it last week. I have been trying to set up the low and high tide automatic interval operation as per p.23 of the manual but the pumps won't switch with switch 12 in the top position ( 1-12 hrs). The operation works at the other 2 settings ( 1-7 mins and 7-75 mins). With switch 12 in the top position and rotary switch 5 at the halfway point the same pump has now been on for over 18 hrs. Although the other 2 settings work I'm reluctant to use them for fear of the multiple switching damaging the pumps. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?

The pumps are fantastic and the pulse operation works great.


The faster times won't hurt the pumps- for a split second the multi gives 10% power to a starting pump- just enough to begin rotation and then kicks it to the proper setting. It is safe to switch faster. I could see three possibilities

1) Night mode stops thes functions- perhaps the photocell is not properly connected or the light cut off is stopping the switching.

2) The switch is broken and the top position is bad- I can install a new switch here.

3) The cirucit board has a quirk or phantom memory- I can't really explain this and it isn't supposed to be possible but sometimes after changing a program I have to disconnect power and restart everything after a few minutes. Power is supplied through sockets 1 and 4 un plug the pumps connected to these sockets.

Let me know how it works out- do try without the photocell for this long interval.

I'm not using the photocell so that shouldn't be a problem.

I have tried turning off the power and disconnecting everything but I reconnected right away. I'll try again and give it some rest this time before reconnecting. I'll see how it goes overnight and I'll let you know tomorrow.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Roger:

Disconnected everything for about 2 hrs last night then restarted. Unfortunately the same thing happened. One pump came on and stayed on for about 15 hrs. I then disconnected everything again today and replaced the 2 connecting cables with the 2 that I wasn't using. After doing this the other pump fired up and it has stayed on (approx 3 hrs now) alone even with knob 5 at the minimum setting.

I've also tried the food timer hoping it might jar the memory but no luck.

Is there anything else I should try? Thanks.

In this case I think we have a bad switch. You might let it run a little longer but in the top position it might not be making contact. Inside the switch their is a small ball that rides in a track to connect the two contacts. Sometimes this is faulty or hangs up. If you can send it to me I can repair it same day and ship it back.

Thanks Roger. I can send it to you tomorrow but I'll need the address. Do you want the cables too or just the unit?

Thanks again.

Sometimes it is a bad cable so that is the best.

Tunze USA
1107 N Bend Dr
Austin TX 78758
It switched at exactly 12hrs and 32min:thumbsup: It actually was the potentiometer and not the switch- the resistance was very high and so it made all the intervals longer and this was greatly exagerated on the 12hr cycle-probably was 24hrs+. I will send it back today UPS 3 day. Please keep an eye on the foodtimer. I had to replace this as for some reason it was too tall and the housing itself pressed the switch. I replaced the switch and the potentiometer as well.

I received the multicontroller Monday and had it running Tuesday. Everything is working perfectly. I've tried the food timer and the various time intervals in the tidal mode with excellent results. The currents in the tank are, I believe, far superior than anything I could have achieved with a closed loop.

Thank you so much for providing excellent customer service and product support. :beer:

I am extremely happy with my Tunze products.
