Mushroom advice!


New member
Pretty new to the whole reef thing!
I have had a 14 g biocube for four months for 4 months.
A couple of months ago I bought a loose, solitary blue mushroom for 15 bucks.
I had netted it to a piece of LR rubble and it attached it self very nicely.
Well , it's foot has spread out over the rock from which it sprouted a small shroom.
Here is my concern, the original spreads out to 5 inches across when fully open thus keeping the new one in the shade and covered.

Should I :

1. leave alone.

2. Cut the large shroom off at the base and re-attach to another rock so the small one will get some light and have a better chance to grow.

3.Break the rock in to two pieces and seperate the two mushooms.

If I do cut the large mushoom off will the foot left behind sprout another mushroom?
Here is a photo of them before the larger is full open. Once open the smaller one is completely covered
i would leave it alone. The baby will prob move if it doesn't like it. plus it was in that conditions since "Birth" and has grown into a nice little shroom.