Mushroom Coral?


New member
Hello Reefers,

I have had a colony of mushrooms that I bought approximately 5 months ago. Unfortunately, they haven't multiplied yet. Has anyone had any success multiplying their mushrooms naturally (I am not interested in slicing and dicing my mushrooms lol).

Water parameters are in line and I have apprx. 4 watts per gallon.

I've found mushrooms take a while to acclimate to a tank. They might look great within the first few weeks of having them- but they need to stay in one place for a long time to feel happy, comfortable, and natural enough to feel like reproducing. once they do they should go at it for you. At night when they're closed up keep an eye out for their feet stretching out and possibly letting some of it go to make a new shroom.. shouldn't be hard to miss once you see it for the first time

I am too chicken to cut my shrooms up too and don't mind them doing their thing- at least they're super pretty to look at in the meantime :)
lower lighting is key for most mushrooms. i use to have my mushrooms towards the top of my tank and over time they were moved down. now they sit on the sandbed and so they have to stretch for lighting now. in a month, i have about 4-8 mushrooms that have either moved or detached from its rock.