Mushrooms Overlapping


New member
I've set up my 12 gallon as a Zoo and Mushroom tank. Is there any mushrooms that would sting other mushrooms? I've got some Rhodactis, various rics, Metalic Green, Hairy and a Blue mushroom all in the same tank, but I'm curious, is there any problem once they start to grow out so much that they touch each other? They don't seem to bother nor be bothered by my zoo's that some of them touch. Are there any that I should be aware of that I don't have, because I do plan on adding many more. Thanks in advance for the help.
Some species will "sting" other species. I know that if a Rhodactis touches one of my rics, that part of the ric begins to shrivel and can take days, even weeks, for it to recover (depending on the length of contact). I have not had any problems with rics and discosoma touching. Simply watch your tank and you will definitely see if there is a problem.