My clam get smaller and smaller


New member
My clam get smaller and smaller this weekly.
I found there are some snails stick on the shell (look like in photo).
Are these snails parasitic type?
Also, there is a big hole in the bottom of the clam.
What can I do in such situation?


Have you been feeding the clam? What is the light conditions it is held under.

Maybe it is starving itself to death, I see an empty flame scallop shell in the background.

Also depends on the hole you are talking about on the bottom, there is a hole where the clam's foot goes through.

I'm going with the pyramid snail theory as well. Remove those snails. Check the clam at night as this is when the snails are usually active. Good luck.
That is a classic picture of what the pyramid snail will do to a clam. Do what Jim stated remove all snails and with a strong toothbrush scrub the shell (not in the tank) in the sink under running water this will remove any snail eggs.
Also if you are going to keep clams I would suggest getting a six-line wrasse, will help he keeping those snails in check.

Hello Jim, brushing the clams under running water doesn't hurt them? (I assume you're talking about tap water.) I guess when they close up their shell it is water tight? If it works without harm I'll give it a try. I have a 70 gallon that has alot of those little parasitic snails. I have pulled the clams out and tried to pick off the snails. Also tried brushing off what looks like eggs but they always come back.
Thanks, rxx2
Yes right in the old sink with running tap water---works for me.
This is a hot tip for people with snail problems! If you have snails like turbo and etc. check them the pyramid snails will also go after the bigger snails. Rxx2 if you keep cleanning the clams check the big snails and clean them too!
Jim, thanks for the tip. Have seen those nasty little snails on my astreas. Will give them a bath.
thanks, rxx2
Is there a way to rid ones reef of these snails besides hours of manual labor? After looking at the link above, I wonder if it's possible that I have one of those coral eating *&^^%$# as I had a Acropora frag totally stipped almost overnight.

Red Sea Purple Tang,
It is hard but can be done. The major problem with these snails is that they hid under the clams during the day. Sixline wrasses cannot get to them. At night the snails come out and feed. So the best time to get them is at night. This is the time you inspect your clams top and bottom if possible. This is also why it is hard to get them all because clams attached to rocks. IMO always try to position a attaching clam to a rock that you can remove from the tank. Sometimes the snails are so small you can just barely make them out in between the clams shell scales. With the snails (rice) on other snails simply pick the snail up and under the running water at the sink brush them off. The bigger snails need to be check every night for awhile this is because as the big snail moves around the tank the rice snails will hop on it.
hmm, i have some of these little snails, too. i lost a few maximas over the last 2 months. looked like the pic, although i suspect it was that disease others have been battling. i still have 1 crocea and 1 derasa. i have seen some snails hiding in the upper scutes (flutes?) of the crocea. unfortuneately, it is firmly attached to a big rock. while not IMPOSSIBLE, it is a chore to remove the rock to pick off the snails. what do you think i should do?

the derasa can be lifted from the sand. i have found snails under this guy, hiding in the sand. i have also found little bristle worms under here, too. usually when i move the derasa, my spotted hawk comes over to snack on the worms. i suspect he also picks on the smaller snails.

i don't think i can put in a 6-line, since the hawk already does battle with the pseudochromis. i often remove the little snails hiding under astreas.
Thank you very much for all clam friends!
This morning I was busy to remove such snails with tooth brush and toothpick. I removed about thirty snails. I can't believe such amount. The size of some snails is even 1mm. I want to cook all of them to make a dinner. I will invite you to the banquet!!:mad:
To medrvwrx

To medrvwrx

Thank you for your concern !
I feed the 2.5" clam with DT'S every two days. But the light condition is quite poor. Two 9w blue fluorescent tube and one 10w white fluorescent tube. The clam is 5" under water(40L tank). I am a freshman in reef-tank.Could you give me any suggestions in hardware for my future 150L tank.Thanks!
I would do my best to get the crocea out of the tank and get those snails off of him. Also there are IMO probably twice as many under him! I love flame hawks, I have one in each of my tanks. They do not bother my sixlines, but it maybe because I have two sixlines in each of my tanks and the female sixlines are a little larger than my flame hawks???

That 2.5 incher is getting to the size he will need more light! Sounds like your feeding timetable is good. Maybe a good pc 65 watt or 96 watt depending on the length of your tank or a MH.
well , i got the crocea out and started picking snails. i got about 30 off the upper scutes and stumbled into a goey egg-like mass, too. i didn't find any underneath, the way he(she) is perched on the rock actually allows me a good view of his (her) foot and a good portion of the shell underneath.

the derasa, however, doesn't have any scutes, and i found 1 on the mantle edge, but about 20 underneath in the crevices.

managed to pick a couple off a coupla astreas too.

thanks jim.
good luck chungsl
good luck rxx2 - be careful getting those clams to the sink. have you read the story of scar?
did you wash off the snails and eggs under running water? if so how did she(he) tolerate it.

i have my superglue ready for any emergency
i didn't rinse 'em (yet). the crocea is on a rock covered with polyps. maybe a brief rinse would be ok...

the derasa doesn't close all the way towards the inhalant siphon. when it's closed as tight as it can, i can almost put my pinky finger in the open part. i guess i could rinse it upside down; but i'd rather not risk it.

i'll just pick them clean with her tweezers (she busted me this am) for now; since they are now MY tweezers!
Man I have been there before! When I brush my clams under the sink I hold them tilted upside down. This will not hurt your derasa.