My crocea (pic hopefully)


New member
This is the smallest of three clams in my 58 gallon. Bought it a few months ago and it's growing very well. Pic is a little blurry but let me know what you think.
Got em at my LFS that I actually work at now. ;)
It's called Absolutely Fish...If you live in Northern NJ you would definitely know it. It was about an inche when I got it 2 months ago and now it's almost 2". I guess DT's really does work for small clams. :)
Dave, you're working at AbFish now? You're gonna end up owing them half your check, like those gals who work at Macy's!;)
Congratulations, anyhow.
We do really have a lot of top notch corals in there and I do get first shot at them. However, I unintentionally fully stocked my tank before I started working there so I really don't buy anything. I guess that is a good thing...I am making money not just spending it. ;)
Thanks for the clam compliments by the way!