my emperor 400 died... what should I replace it with?


In Memoriam
I have an emperor 400, but for some reason it isn't pumping very well. Plus I just don't like the biowheels.

Can someone recomend me a good box filter (hang on the back)

Right now I have a prizm deluxe (the one with the surface skimmer)

Right now its the only filter in the tank, the only bad thing that is happening right now is that I am noticing little things that accumliate on some of the rocks farther away from flow of the protein skimmer (and under where the emperor filter use to be)

What do you recomend?

There is the whisper:

And a few others here:

Also I have a 55G Tank with:

3 clarkii clowns
1 lawnmower blennie
1 purple tang (about 3 inches)
some hermit crabs
a trillion snails

Thanks for your time.
Personally Im a big fan of Emperors, you could just get a new one and remove the bio-wheels. Aqua-Clears are also rather solid, and VERY quiet if thats a concern. hust my .02
Aquaclears do have a great capacity for variable media. I would fill it with live rubble for a cryptic zone, or put a baby PC over it for a baby refugium.
Also if your going to run a mechanical filter make sure you change/clean the media oftet at least once a week