My first ultra maxima


Premium Member
I've had this clam for a week now but today was a big day as it has attached to the rock I placed it on and I was able to take away the "nestling rock" and move it away from the lagoon wall.
This is a cultured clam about 4.5" long. He's mostly blue but has some shades of purple and a peachy orange that I'm having trouble getting the camera to pick up.
I got him from <a href="" target="_blank">SeaCare</a> here in Canada. Tim has some really good clams and I would recommend him to anyone. He was even kind enough to give me some tips on how to get the clam to attach to a rock and how to care for it.
I didn't really understand the big deal about clams until I got this one. It's the most beautiful, interesting thing in my tank! I am definitely going to want more of them. Maybe a nice turquoise crocea next time.


Hi flame*angel, nice clam...I have found a new love in clams the last couple months (my first one) , now I have 2 and plan to get more. I never found them to interest me to the point of buying one till my first now i'm hooked. Here is a pic of my new clam I purchased 05/09/2002. :)
my clam

my clam

He or she :) is about 2" and I bought it from Saltwater Fantasies in Edmonton. I'm looking to buy a "green" colored clam next. I would like to get a baby if possible but not sure if I will ever find them around here :(
djbravoleader - Same here, I'd like a turquoise/green one next. I believe that SeaCare just got in some new clams this week so I'm definitely going to get another one from there. I know what you mean by not getting nice ones locally though, they are pretty rare in my area and the few I've seen aren't that nice.
. He was even kind enough to give me some tips on how to get the clam to attach to a rock and how to care for it.

please share! just interested to hear what was said.
Beautiful Clam

I was having trouble getting my first clam to attach to a rock. Tim suggested that I place it on a rock with other rocks on either side to kind of nestle it. This way when the clam rocks back and forth to get settled it won't fall off.

We had a few emails about lighting, feeding, etc. but the gist is that phytoplankton is very important and the more light the better.
Nice clam Flame*Angel!!!
Yours too Djbravoleader!!

:D :D :D

I need to get another clam too! The green maximas are cool looking, so are the black ones. It's so easy to get hooked on these animals. ;)
I just ordered another one from SeaCare. It's another cultured ultra maxima, a 5" turquoise green one this time. I can't wait for it to get here.

Addictive is right! Adding clams is even more fun than adding fish or corals - they don't fight with each other! I can see why people set up tanks just for clams now.
Hello, I was just doing some research on clams. I have two 72" VHO's on a 135 (aquasun & actinc).

I have my clam on the sandbed, but should I try to place him higher, up on the rock? I was originally going to put him on the rock, but I was afraid he would fall and damage himself.
Flame Angel,
Clams are really something special! After the second, third, fourth and ect. You will find yourself selling off corals this will make more room for CLAMS. AWESOME looking clam!


You need WAY more light for that clam, no matter what kind it is (what kind is it?). You should start a new thread and get some advice or I'm afraid your clam will die.
Bernie - how big is your clam? Smaller ones depend more on feeding (phytoplankton) than light. If it's under 3" the lighting might not be a big issue right now. For bigger clams I think I have to agree with Squidman, your lighting may be a problem. Some clams require more lighting than others though. I believe Crocea needs the most, then maxima. I'm not an expert but I believe that Deresa and Squamosa don't require quite as much. I'm not sure about Hippopus and Gigas.

Jim Noris - Too true! This is an old post revived. I have four clams now and have found myself wondering how to "renovate" to make more room for more clams many times. I'd love to get a purple crocea some day.