My new 75gl sps tank


New member
Finally after waiting a while and striking lucky, I have my 75 gl tank. I picked up the tank for the best price of all...helping set another soon to be reefer up with a tank in his classroom. This tank will replace the 55 I currently have. It's gonna take a while since money is short and the fishing season is long so I expect to take a few months to set this thing up right and have no problem taking my time. Once I get to work, I will post pics of the progress.
Well, I started drilling out the overflow holes but I think it might take a while...a long while. I went out and bought diamond tip grinding bits and have managed to destroy one so far. I am 1/3 into the 5/8 " glass for one hole so far. I think I am going to have to pick up a few more becasue I see hte last bit going out when I hit the half way point.

Here's a pic for ya. I drilled out two slots that are 3"X1" for the external overflow. I don't want any junk in this tank so I am designing it so everthing is hidden. Next thing to do is cut off all the old silicon and re-seal the entire tank then I can build the external overflow and silicon it on as well. I suppose once that's done I have to get busy and build the new stand.

I got bored this morning so I cut off all the old silicon and man was that a pain. My thumb still hurts but I got it all off. I figured while I already made the house a mess, I fight as well cut the edge trim. I don't really like looking at the glass edges on a tank so I toook black plastic angle and cut it to length and siliconed them in place to give a better look. This tank will be viewable on 3 sides (thus the reason I drilled out the side) so I want it to enhance the look the best I can. At this point, things are going faster than expected so I suppose I will have to start looking for a glass shop to cut the pieces for the external overflow. I still need to clean up the top trim that I cut when drilling and will probable do that today. Next, the tank is going outside once the rain stops so I can paint all the plastic trim so it looks like new again.
Hey jeff, What's the top brace look like for that tank?

Also I know there is a glass shop nearish ppm on 329. Not sure where it is exactly, but i know there is a shop.
The top brace is just a standard plastic rim with the center brace. I found a glass shop near my house in Yomitan so I will have to stop there. If they can't cut what I want, I will let you know so you can give me directions.

Hey vest, clean out your PM box. I tired to send a message telling you that you sump is done but couldn't.
Thursday I gotta get the wife an ID card so I figured on the way back we can stop at the glass shop and see if they can cut the glass to the size I want. If so, it's on to sealing the tank and building the overflow box.
Ok, I threw the everything into autoCAD to build the overflow. I have all measurements down now and will go to the glass shop tomorrow to see if they will cut what I want. If they can and do, I will build the overflow and seal the tank. BTW, the max capacity of the overflow is calculated at 4.6 gl.
That's a great deal on the hang on overflow. Tell Johnny to pick it up. Mine will be completely external and will have a plastic screen to keep the fish/snails from entering Too bad he sold the lights on the link above. I went to the glass shop near my house and ordered the glass I need. It will be ready for pickup tomorrow. He said he could have it in 20 minutes but i need to wait until tomorrow since it's payday and I'm kinda short on cash today. Looks like this weekend it's overflow box building time.

on both of those links, I screwed up both. haha.
on the halides, there was a real nice set of halides, with new bulbs, for like $175/pair. The overflow was the tall type that you would put inside the tank to create a block for the fish. Not the HOB style like I posted. Ohh well.
Well, Tank is now sealed. I fugured I have time to burn so I want ahead and sealed it. I taped off all the areas where I didn't want silicone and to give me nice straight lines. It turned out pretty good except one section where i pulled the tape off a little late and it has started gelling up on me. Hopfully next week will have some good weather so I can leak test this thing.
I picked up the glass today and put it all together. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The glass shop cut perfect pieces for me. I will post pics when it dries. I still have to drill the holes for the overflow pipes but will do that after I order them. Once it dries, I will go ahead and put it on the tank and then the whole thing goes outside for a coat of black spray paint. I don't want to see any piping or stuff so this side will be completely blacked out.
Halides are here!!!! This tank will have 2 250watt halides and 2 VHO bulbs giving the light required to keep SPS. They just arrived a couple minutes ago thanks to a friend up in mainland. Thanks Matt!!! They are currently in a 36" hood but I will retrofit them into a new hood to fit the 75. Man are they bright!!!! Pics will follow.