My New Mantis!!!

Here's my Mantis that I just recently aquired! He is awesome to watch run around in his tank. Such a neat personality. Check out the pics, he was being photogenic.

Can someone give me an Idea as to what species this might be. I know he came out of Florida, from the Gulf of Mexico.
Another Pic of him. Oh just thought I would share a little history about him. Some people I know ordered some live rock from Florida. Well they got some unhappy visitors, you guessed it my new best friend, my mantis. Theres a plus to this story too. There is a second mantis, a mate. They've only been able to capture the one right now but I told them to keep trying for the second. I am pretty sure they are mates because my friends had baby mantis hatch!!!:D
All gonodactylids from the New World are in the genus Neogonodactylus. The most common species in Florida live rock is N. wennerae. This appears to be such an individual. They live from 20-100+ feet and reach a maximum body lenght of around 65 mm. My guess for maximum age is around 6 years.
