My New Maxima Came Today


New member
My 4 inch Maxima came today. It was even opening and squarting water at me when I opened the bag:D I was worried because of my calcium with my other kit was reading 700:mad: But Barry told me that my kit might be bad so he sent me a calcium and Alk kit from salifert. My levels are Calcium: 480 and my Alk is 6.0:rolleyes: Is this OK? My lighting is below in my profile. Barry said my lighting is fine as long as I place him up in my Rock work. I have two pictures but not to good because I'm learning my camera. Please let me know what Gapping is and other things to look out for;)
Barry has THE nicest clams and are healthy too...he QTs them before sale and so you know what you are getting. Best in the business IMO. I have ordered and will order again from him. Great looking maxima BTW. As far as alk being 6.0 that is meq/l? I dont know what the conversion is maybe someone else can chime in.
Here is a better picture and a second picture of my tank. The clam is toward the middle and a little to the right. Is this an OK spot for him with my lighting? And should I still have him on the sand till he is used to my lights? Also I don't know if this is bad but there is what looks like a string coming out of his siphon:confused:
Vili_Shark said:
You Alk seems to be low, or better say, very low.

Actually I'm not use to these Salifert kits yet so that is probably wrong. When I tested my Alk tonight by the salifert chart it said my Alk-5.71 and my KH value was 16.00? What does this mean :confused:
5.71- assuming that is meq/L, is quite high, usually the target range is about 2-4 meq/L or 10-12 dkh. I'd suggest maybe a water change, to get them back into range, or cut of the additive for alkalinity untill, it gets to the appropriate level. Thats what I did when the alk. in my tank was about 5 meq/L, and now I am in the 4-4.5 range.
Soccer said:
5.71- assuming that is meq/L, is quite high, usually the target range is about 2-4 meq/L or 10-12 dkh. I'd suggest maybe a water change, to get them back into range, or cut of the additive for alkalinity untill, it gets to the appropriate level. Thats what I did when the alk. in my tank was about 5 meq/L, and now I am in the 4-4.5 range.

I have been using Bionic so thats my problem. Should I continue adding the calcium or stop all of it? And will it go down without a water change?
Your Calcium is nice, you might want to drop it to 450.

Your dKH is way too high, you want to see there 11-12.

I would try a water change first.
Well with all the problems with my Alk, I found out I have been reading the test wrong DUH:rolleyes: When the sample changes color the black part on the syringe is 0.2, which by the chart it is 0.20-12.8 DKH;) So that means I have been reading my calcium wrong also:( So my calcium is low at 350mg I have been trying to get my levels upto 450mg by adding Reef complete and Bionic part 2, But I'm only able to get my levels upto 380mg? Can I add more? My PH is 8.2:rolleyes:
Check your magnesium level. Should be about 1300. Adding Mg will allow both your Ca and alk to rise. Adding 1 tablespoon of epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) per 50 gallons to your top off water will bring it up.

I would also recommend you dose calcium with a product that has greater efficacy than "part 2" of B-ionic. Something like Kent's turbo calcium is economical and effective.
Who is Barry and where is he located. I travel to Florida extensively and can actually transport clams with me on the plane. I am almost finished with the cycling on an 18 gal. Via Awua that I plan to use for nothing but clams.

Thanks for the help
Fomob said:
Who is Barry and where is he located. I travel to Florida extensively and can actually transport clams with me on the plane. I am almost finished with the cycling on an 18 gal. Via Awua that I plan to use for nothing but clams.

Thanks for the help

Barry is the owner of Clams Direct. I think he sells the most healthy Clams around:D