my tank A-ok for clams? I think so :-)


Active member
Do you think my tank is ok for clams? My tank specs are below
My tank is still in the process of getting all the live rock, but is it ok as far as the dry goods go? Right now I have no DIN in my tank at all. Could this be a problem? I think ill get some nitrate when i stock my tank


ps what are DT's? Man, that makes me sound so much like a newbie... oh well. I guess if i have to ask that question I am!:D
i don't want to sound like a ***** or anything, but you'll probably wish you had more light and any skimmer that uses a rio 2500 isn't really enough for anything over 50 gallons. i wouldn't call it a 'clam tank' by any means, but it's nothing you can't work around if you do things right.

by DT's i assume you mean DT's phytoplankton. it's clam food. you can grow your own for almost free once you are set up, but DT's is nice and convienient...
I believe your tank setup sounds ok. How old is the setup? I would not start with clams, but wait maybe six months until everything settles in. Try to come up with a stocking plan, so you can see problems before they happen, and try not to impulse purchase. I believe your lighting is fine for that tank. Stability is the key. Best of luck, take your time, your clams will thank you. Rob
ok, thanks.

Thats what im in the process of now, creating a stocking plan. My tank is about 3months old now... Ive been letting it grow huge supplies of pods and snails and other things. Right now its more like a 75g refugium with stronger lighting and water motion.



ps I was always of the oppinion that you didn't want to overskim clam tanks... Or really any tank. I'm pretty sure my skimmer is adiquate. I now of several accomplished reefers and marine biologists that have great tanks with the same skimmer setup.