My trip to the mad reefer


Active member
Well yesterday I made the drive to the mad reefer. I have mixed opinions on the place. First they have a very nice setup. Everything was very clean and profesional. They had a great selection and for the most part everything was well labeled. I also saw the nicest and largest niger trigger I have ever seen. However I had two problems. The first was not a real big deal. No one in the place spoke to me or my wife. There were at least three employees and at one time we were the only customers but no one offered to help us. The major proble was all the dead fish. There were dead fish in everywere. I couldnt even count how many there were. Is this normal? Be cause of this we did not buy anything there. We then went to Pekin to Fishin Times. Not as good of a selection but the owner of the place was nice and all the fish looked healthy. I bought a small ocelaris clown for 9.99 and it is doing good this morning. Let me know if this is typical or if I caught both stores on a bad/good day.
Well, I can't speak to the mad reefer. I've only been there once and there weren't any dead fish. I also noticed the staff didn't seem all that eager to be helpful, although Guy wasn't there the day I was.

You definitely caught Fishin Times on a good day. There are always dead fish in there when I go. Sometimes lots of dead ones. Although, in fairness to them I must say that the couple fish I've purchased there did fine when I got them home.

I know a couple of weeks back they killed all there fish, they told me they had no idea why. Someone else told me they screwed up there sg really bad.

I also know they don't treat for anything in there tanks, they only use UV and Ozone. I think this is a mistake, almost all LFS keep copper in there fish systems at all time.
I was there on Monday and I didnt see many dead fish?? As for fishin times.. that guy actually is kind of an arse, especially if he thinks your an avg hobbiest who is not up to his knowledge level. However, if he thinks you know a bit about the hobby, he isnt going to BS you and is actually an alright guy to deal with. His prices are pretty darn good too, easily the cheapest I have found. Though with TMR matching all online pricing, that is pretty darn hard to beat as well. For example, I wanted a six-line and he was asking $30 for it (pretty high). I asked him if he would match marine depots price of $20 and he said absolutly. So dropping thier price 33% for an online match is pretty good of them. Granted $30 for that fish is rediculous, but if you do your homework and know what you want ahead of time and prepare prices from reputable online stores, you can come out with a darn good deal!
Hmmmmmm, I was there yesterday around 1 or 2 and I only saw 4 dead fish ... max. Weird that you saw so many. What time were you in?

As for fishin times ...... I haven't been there in a long time but in my experience, you must have caught them on a good day. Every time I go in there I see dead fish everywhere and even more unhealthy fish. I haven't had good luck with the majority of my fish purchases there. I've also seen him leave fish floating in the cubicles in the bags for days after they are delivered. I've seen that guy be a strong advocate of the "Insta Reef" method. You know, When he sells entire systems including fish and corals in one day and tells his customers to just add salt water. When I was just starting out he had a leopard shark in a 20 gallon. As a newbie I was totally stunned seeing it and wanted it. I asked him if it would be OK in a 55 gallon full of live rock and with a crushed coral bed. He was quick to say that I wouldn't have any problems. :rolleyes: I didn't purchase it, but that is ridiculous. I do have to say that he has improved a little since he got married. He is also easy to bargain with and will usually sell everything for less than the sticker price. Even still, I chose to shop elsewhere.

In all of my experiences at all of the local petshops I would have to say that I have had the best experiences at TMR. Followed by Charlies in Pekin.
yea, i agree with you guys that the guy at fishin times is not the most honest dealer. He will tell you what you want to hear and anything to make a sale. When i just started he told me a anenome would do fine under a 20w light. All fish i have bought there have got ich and died as well. Now its about a push for me to drive to bloomington to go to TMR or the place on linden or out to charlies aquarium in pekin. either way its about a 40 minute drive but i go thru bloomington every week so not a big deal if i can get the girlfriend to stop. TMR has pretty good service if you wait a while or start asking questions.
the other thing about TMR is they have salinity swings.....made no sense to me when the owner was telling me this. I would think they would have a auto top off system that would be capable of keeping it in check but he said at night he evaporates so much water the salinity swings quite a bit. He said he had so many dead fish because he took a trade in that wiped out the whole row of fishes, not sure if that was last week or 2 weeks ago.
The Mad Reefer just got those fish in the night before so maybe they lost some due to shipping stress. I am no shipping expert but that could be a factor. I talked with Guy one time about the service issues and he explained to me that he wanted the customer to have a relaxed atmosphere to shop or brouse in. He said he didn't want people to feel like they were at a car dealership. He told me that if a person is showing interest in an item or is standing in one place looking around that he or the other guys/gal will go right to them and ask if they need help. I myself like that approach, I don't want someone breathing down my neck telling me scientific names and false info while I try to shop or brouse. Maybe I am alone in that aspect.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960094#post6960094 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by zlwags85
the other thing about TMR is they have salinity swings.....made no sense to me when the owner was telling me this. I would think they would have a auto top off system that would be capable of keeping it in check but he said at night he evaporates so much water the salinity swings quite a bit. He said he had so many dead fish because he took a trade in that wiped out the whole row of fishes, not sure if that was last week or 2 weeks ago.

He tried to tell me that a couple of fish he had been holding in another tank for 6 weeks that looked fine when I looked at them killed all his fish in one day or so from some mystery sickness. :rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960069#post6960069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fkdenton
I was there at 11:00 right after they opened

Ahhh, well I must have missed all the death. Perhaps it happened over night. That's unfortunate.
i was there on sat. i was in there for about 20 mins. no one bothered me and i really did not want anyone to. i am just starting out and have not even got water in my tank yet. i just went in there and browsed for a bit. the guys in there where nice they said hi and bye. i did not see one dead fish, but they where going around and labeling all of them too. they might have been doing some cleaning. i also went to marine aquatics. it is a nice little store. they did not have a bad selection and the guy in there working was real nice. plus there was a nice guy hanging out in there.

the only thing i was diappointed in at tmr was the lack of dry goods. i am just starting out and am starting to buy alot of stuff. i went up there and sold a 400 dollar poker table and the money was burning a hole in my poket but i came home with all of it. all and all i was happy with the trip to both places
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6960953#post6960953 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by panaboy95
i went up there and sold a 400 dollar poker table and the money was burning a hole in my poket but i came home with all of it.

well shi.... if i'd have known that i could've help you out a little. you lighten your pocket, that is. :D
if you talk to them at TMR they will get you any drygood you want. He will probally be able to get them about the same price as the internet and if you buy enough im sure you can talk him into decent deals. at least you wouldnt be paying shipping :)
Well it is good to know that it is not a regular problem for them. I hope the best for them and it is nice having a place that size around. I agree that I dont want someone following me around but it would be nice to be spoken to. As far as fishin times go I liked the owner. He didnt try to tell me a bunch of crap. Its a shame that it sounds like I had a experiance that wasnt normal at either place.
benny i am sure you could have found something for me to drop 400 on. the only thing i was looking for was a return pump it is good to know he can order the stuff i will remmember that. but i do live almost 2 hours away. i was pleased with the store though i would drive there again for fish or inverts. i thought everthing looked pretty healthy. i am a newby though. hey you work there benny? i thought i saw some sand up there i forgot to get the price you know how much it is. and how many pounds are in a bag? just wondering. i know it was a big bag. bigger than i see at other stores.

huff where is the store in vandalia. is it any good.
hey i went to high school with you huff, its nathan morrell
I would say TMR has a good sellection now. He had his issues when he first opened. I have been to many stores in many states and he has one of the nicest setups. That being said he does not know how to take care of his things and the corals he has are not very colorful. I have also been to fishn times, he can be unfriendly at times but I have been in there many times and once he gets to know you and your knowledge he is much better. As for his fish I have seen dead ones in there but not too often. I have purchased quite a few from him without any issues but I quarenteen all my fish for 28 days before I add them to the display tank. I think for the money Marine Aquatics is one of the better places in town. Not the biggest sellection but he is nice and prices are good.