Name that Alcyonium


New member
I've tried to attach a photo of what I believe is an Alcyonium, but I've not yet made a positive ID. It resembles several photos in Eric's book, and I'm too indecisive. This animal has almost doubled in size since January, and it's bending over like a tree that has too many branches. It only stands about 4" tall, so It's too early to think about propagation. I'd like to make a positive ID in order to deal with what may be a problem. In the photo you might notice a slight fissure developing at the base of the trunk of the coral. Since this pic was taken, this fissure has seemed to lengthen and is most visible when the coral is deflated. I'm doing a water change tomorrow, since I still have not been able to find a reliable nitrate test kit. Can't be too careful! I had to remove a small green brain coral that I'd purchased only a week ago due to rapid tissue necrosis - I could not believe how quickly it happened. {I bought it from a relatively new LFS just to see if I could bring it back up to speed and also to see if they would mention that it did not look too good -- they didn't -- I'm not going back} The water change will help, but I'm concerned about the fissure in the trunk.

Another long winded question - thanks to anyone with information!
Cheers, my friend :)

The creature you have is actually (and quite clearly) what the trade/industry/hobby calls "Capnella".

Incidentally, Eric and I have chatted about the genus Alcyonium with regard for "colt corals" (now "Klyxum"), and he tells me that there are not any tropical species of Alcyoniid in the genus "Alcyonium" now/presently. Wow... how fast things change!

Frankly, with Eric's academic credentials and wisdom... I respect and defer to him in such cases. It has nothing to do with your coral (Capnella) other than the fact that the genus you suspected is not represented in the aquarium trade.

BTW... your Capnella under heavy blue actinics (I love URI brand) can turn a wicked teal or robin's egg blue color. Quite striking.

Kind regards,

Capnella, huh? It's amazing just how far common names can mislead. Seems like most of the LFS in our area flunked latin, since most corals (with one terrific exception of a store) are sold under common names. Hey, it's an education process - one step at a time, and now I know. Thanks. Hope your spring in Pittsburgh has been better than ours. Kansas/Missouri has become tornado alley of late. Glad I haven't built my greenhouse yet - I may just build an extremely well-lit bunker instead!

Take care :)