nano Lighting and Clams


New member
To the Board,

I have a 36 watt CF lamp combo bulb 1/2 7100K actinc blue & 1/2 10,000K super daylight.
It is 20" by 3"

Do you think I will be able to get a clam in this tank - I don't plan on havning too many things in this tank. I really want one of these clams and would like to try one in this new tank (once it's established)!

Your feedback is appreciated!

Tank Size

Tank Size

It is a 10 gallon office tank. Mostly soft corals and maybe one fish.

I was figuring a smaller Maxima clam like 2"

Which one

Which one

Does this "A T. Squamosa would be good" mean that I shouldn't get a Maxima Ultra or the like? or do the "require" MH lighting?

Thanks again for your help!

Your lighting is too weak for the light loving Tridacnids such as T. maxima and T. crocea.
Where to find?

Where to find?

Thanks, where do I find one of these sqamosa's. I just went to the Clamsdirect site on only saw one that was sold?

Also, My LFS (actually the one I found was not so local) only had the Maxima's

Any recommendations without spending double the cost for shipping?

Yes shipping to NY will be about the price of the squamosa so better see if you can get one local or buy more than one from online shipper as shipping would be but a few more dollars for 1 to 3 clams.

blue maxima under 32w p.c.

blue maxima under 32w p.c.

I have an "ultra" grade blue max in a 7 gallon nanoreef, this clam has grown from about 1.5" to about 3" under one 32 watt P.C. light. The bulb is a 10,000K and the clam has been on the bottom of the tank until about 5 weeks ago, when I moved it higher up onto the rocks. The bottom of this tank is 11" from the light, 9" is under water. There is also a gold maxima on the bottom now, but it has only been there for 4 months or so. Note that a 10 gallon is only 11" or 12" deep.

<img src=""><br><b><i><font size="4" color="blue">To Reef Central</b></i></font>

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