Natural Sun-light


New member

I read your book and loved it (coral prop. v. 1) and I need to get it registered.

Anywho - you use natural sunlight in your greenhouses - correct?

Do you tilt the tanks to be parrellel to the green house glass?

What is your opinion of those window greenhouse boxes? Would enough light be found if positioned properly to have a nice little nano reef in one?

correct... almost exclusively natural sunlight in the greenhouse (save for one supplemental 400 watt Radium over a 500 gallon sps pool for color in the winter sun).

The tanks were perpendicular to the long side walls...and the short face entrance faced the south eastern sky.

I do believe sunlight from any window wold be of tremendous benefit to a well-maintained marine aquarium. Problems with nuisance algae are almost always coupled with flaws in nutrient export... not the fault of natural sunlight as many fear/claim.

Go for it my friend!

And thanks for your kind words about BOCP1 :)
