Need a trap for a mantis.

Parker Coffin

New member
Im lookin for a good trap for a mantis i have in my 75 gallon reef he is a pain. Hes killed 3 fish just crap fish though. He is coming out alot , and im thinking hes hungry. Hes to fast for me to catch with a net ,and i dont want to kill him. Ive heard good things about the X-terminator doe any one know where i can buy one. thanks


I recently caught a mantis in my 125 with the x-Terminator. I bought mine from I've also saw them at Flyingfishexpress. The trap has a sensitivity screw on it, I adjust mine so it was so sensitive that setting it on the bottom would sometimes set it off. Then I baited with silver sides. Caught the mantis with in a week. I had tried every do it your self trap prior to this nothing worked. This trap worked great and the mantis beat the heck out of it but the door stayed locked. Good luck

Achilles Tang