Need help ID'ing this; already posted in anemone forum


New member
Heys guys, eed help ID'ing this. I already posted it in the anemone sie and wanted to see what you all think. I am worried it maight be harmful to ny corals and fish.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11319928#post11319928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sango-chu
I need help ID'ing this. I read in here were it might e a tube anemone but I think the tenticles are too long; they can reach almost a quater of the way acros my 6 foot tank!




Thanks in advance and sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum; just don't know were else to go.
wow.. no idea. guess the only thing I can tell you is to just keep an eye on your corals and if it looks like any of them start to die then take that rock out.
looked those up.. I think I had one in my old tank, it only had a couple tenicles thought. Mine would only come out at night too.. and as soon as a light came on would whip back into its hole.
I had one of those in my tank for a while, but my sixline eventually got him. mine seemed to be a harmless detritivore, picked up any mess, passed it along it's tentacles, into it's tube and ate it. I saw it's tentacles on my corals numerous times and it never seemed to really bother them. Cool little critter
THANK GOD!!! I never thought I'd pick up a hitchiker that would be so unique AND good for the tank....I was thinking of ways to destroy the bugger but it now seems to have a place to call its own...I just hope the tentacles grow with the size of the tank, that is, I don't want them to get to be 10 feet long (read that on the link). Then IT would be the main attraction in the tank instead of the corals.