Need help with algae


New member
Ok, I'm starting to get some algae growth in my 37g that I've had running for over a year and a half. I know why it's growing now. Recently I removed a sally lightfoot crab that had been in there since I started the tank. He/she was a monster. Easly over 4" from leg to leg. I got rid of it because I didn't want to have to worry about it killing my fish(it hadn't, but it was getting big). Now that he/she is gone, I'm seeing algae growth. I have some mexican turbos and some trochus snails in there, but they don't spend much time on the rockwork. What do you guys use for algae control? I'm tempted to get another sally since it did such a great job. Anything else?
Well, see, that's the other thing. I have a neon dottyback that doesn't seem to be too keen on other fish. He's in there with a yellow watchman(nobody would bother him) and a black saddleback(the saddleback was added after the dottyback, but he didn't bother him). Recently I've tried to add a couple of different fish. First off was a possum wrasse. The dottyback went right after him. I thought "Ok, maybe it's because of the body shape, I'll get something completely different". So then I got a geometric hawk. Tore him up to. So needless to say I'm a little shy about adding another fish. I got a baby scopas at one point(he was real small) and they seemed to get along fine. But the Scopas was the smallest damn tang I've ever seen with the exception of those baby blue's we all have seen. I think he was a little too young and didn't last.
Funny you should say that. I didn't even think about them. There's a pet store near me that has them. So are they relatively harmless?(no toxins) Are they pretty hardy? Anything bother them(I have a coral banded shrimp in there in addition to the fish)?
They are non toxic, but if you have any wrasses or angels (even coral beauty/flame) they are likely to nip / eat them. They do a real good job IME.
dottiebacks are the most aggressive, difficultfish I ever tried to keep---I say that, having had a very congenial piranha. I won't have anything related to them in my tank: goby is as aggro as I go.