Need info about my new smasher?


New member
Hi All,

After searching for months, I finally got a cool mantis that I bought from a LFS for $24. He's about 4". I have him in an Eclipse 6 gal with a couple pieces of live rocks and 6-7 lbs of live sand.

1) what should the temperature of my tanks be? I have a heater in the tank but I installed it horizontally. My tank is generally 78 - 80 degree. During the day I turn on the light and its raises the temp. a couple of degree.

2) has anyone had a mantis break the heater or an Eclipse tank?

3) what should I feed my mantis? I've been feeding him dried Superba Krill. I havent been able to get him to eat from a straw or chopstick. I basically throw in the krill in and I've only seem him once
swim up to the top and grab it. I know he's eating since the krill is usually gone in the morning. I was thinking about going to Ranch 99 and getting a clam. Will he smash the calm to oblivion and the shell will be all over the place?

4) I have a damsel in the tank, but is there anything else I can put in there? Any suggestion like mushrooms, or fast moving fishes?

5) Just curious, are mantis left or right handed? I notice when I mess with him, he always uses the left smasher to hit the tank.

Thank in advance for all those who respond!

-- Gaznsun


Okay... I went to Ranch 99 and bought a small 1" manilla clam. I threw it in the tank and he went to town on it!!! Needless to say... about 15 smashes later, the clam is all busted up and he's having a feast!!!

Like I said earlier, he/she seems to prefer using his left smasher. Therefore I shall call him lefty. :D

Does anyone know what kinda mantis he/she is?

If anyone thinking about getting one, its worth the entertainment value. It's funny watching them build a lair, and cruise around the tank. Feeding them a clam is a must see!!! The guys in my office are down to drop a couple of bucks to get a crab and see it get the crap kicked out of it. Any suggestions?


-- Gaznsun
This is a nice female Odontodactylus scyllarus - not a he.

I have had many O.s. break heaters with lethal consequences (to them and almost to me when I didn't notice why the animal was dead and reached into the tank - I now have all tanks with GFI's).

There are a couple of things you can do to protect the heater. First, if there is an orange indicator light, tape it over. The stomatopods often attack when it flashes on. Second, place a plastic sleeve over the heeter. I usually use 1.5 inch thin plastic sleeves with lots of holes cut in them.

Your heater might fit into the media chaber of the Eclipse hood. If it does, but the water level is too low to keep it submersed, you can put a little square of plexi at the end of the media chamber to add to the height of the end 'wall' next to the biowheel.

Option 2, if you can't find a heater guard to fit: put the heater in a corner and block off the corner with a piece of plexi. Drill a bunch of holes in the plexi so the water can circulate through to the heater. You'd probably want to glue the plexi in place, or maybe putting a sufficiently large piece of LR in front of it might keep it in place.