Need Plumbing repairs


New member
Do I have to remove my mantis to do some plumbing repairs? The plumbing to my skimmer has a tiny leak and I'm assuming that I will have to use some type of chemical sealant. Will this sealant kill my mantis since I know they are very succeptible to chemicals?
if it is acrylic sealent i wouldn't worry about it. just make sure that it is 110% dry before you put it back on your tank.
It sounds like you want to do a wet repair. If so, the only material that I have used that I'm sure is safe is one of the non-toxic marine epoxies sold to cement coral fragments.

I have used very small amounts of silicon sealent wet with no ill effect, but I have never used more than would be needed to patch a small hole.

I assume that everyone knows this, but becareful to only use aquarium grade silicon. The fungicide added to ordinary silicon sealent will kill stomatopod and octopus.
