need rotifers for seahorse babies


New member
My daughter Kortney (you guys may have seen her at the meetings) has decided she wants to make a real go of it for raising the next batch of searhorse fry, if daddy will help... Based on their past performance, we have 6 weeks to get ready.

So, we need to start a rotifer culture. I'd rather not spend the money on mailorder rotifers if I can avoid it so if somebody has some they have been culturing I'd appreciate a cup or two at the next meeting. I should have stopped by Rob's before he left but didn't (stupid me).

If we are successful, you can have your pick of the seahorses at 3 months old. Warning, although I have tried several times, I have yet to raise any kind of fry past 1 week. But hey, its just a cup or two (till I kill the rotifers too and then I'll be back at you for more).

Thanks, Kevin
CB horses are usuall weaned to eat frozen somewhere between 6 and 12 weeks.

I have never been able to get seahorse fry to eat frozen. Of course I only had two batches to work the frozen with.
I'm going to Boston Reef Society meeting SAT, let me put a post up there and see if they have any..
I have 3 bottles brewing right now but, I'm not going to meeting. If someone in the Hartford area wants to meet up with me, I can send one to you.
Dude, your bottle of rotifers has made it to me. Thanks so much. I have them cooking away. I hope I can keep them going for many months as I am expecting several fry raising opportunities in the next 2 or 3 months. You are most generous.

by the way, do you know off hand what the salinety, temp, and PH values are of your cultures. If I kill these guys off because of PH shock, I will be tempted to buy a bottle from you and would want to prepare the water before putting them in it.

Also, can you describe you basic rotifer culutre setup? Not elaborate but is it just coke bottles and airline tubing? If I ever have anything you want, let me know.

Thanks, Kevin Meade
No problem.

They are actually pretty hard to kill. All you need to do is keep them fed with phyto and even if you shock them, they will come back. I have a live phyto culture that I keep at room temp and I just pour off 1/3 of the rotifers and fill bottle with phyto. It usually takes about 4-5 days for the rotifer bottle to go clear and then I repeat. If you have any problems with that culture, let me know and I can get another going for you.

One note, even if you think they are in bad shape, just be patient. Some bottles take longer to eat up the phyto than others.