Need to downsize- Few things for sale.


Believe it or not, I do better with Nano aquariums. So, as much as I love my first tank, I want to downsize to another nano.

First- Yellow tang, Med size. Cant get a good picture of him to save my life. He always knows which side of the rock to hide from when I want to take pictures. He is awesome, and I dont want to get rid of him, but he needs a bigger home.

Second is Lights, I have some T5 HO 4xbulb(2blue2white) lights. I bought them for 130 bucks, used them probably 3months.

Third is another set of lights i have. Corallife fixture. Has 2 blubs on it and its relatively new bulbs. near zero use since I got the new bulbs.

Fourth is rocks- Probably 40-80 lbs. Couple big pieces, after the lights/fish are gone I'll get the rocks a new home.

1- Yellow tang- got him for 40 bucks, will do $20
2. T5 HO 4x bulb 130 bucks- will do $80 (36 in )
3. Corallife fixture - 2 bulb - will do $30 (36 in )
4. Will sell whole setup(tank and all ) for $200

Will trade for Nano tank or something else.

Lake worth 561 596 3918
Cant seem to edit. This is an update.

I'd PREFER to trade for a Nano! Its easier, two birds with one stone kind of easy.

I Need to downsize this tank! Its too big for me! It is a 50 gallon tank that is 36 long.
Comes with a stand, a tank, and a T5 HO Light ( WILL GROW ANYTHING! ). Has overflow with U-TUBE. Rated about 700+ Flow. Also have a return pump Ill throw in. I do NOT have a sump to give though. The one I had is crappy :-P. If you want it, ill give it to you though.

If you act Soon, I will give you some soft corals (Xenia, mushroom, yellow polp, kenya trees).

I have rock to go with tank, cycled! So no waiting.
Comes with Yellow tang! First fish for you, great fish that will eat anything.
The light along was a 150 bucks.

$225 dollars OR trade for Nano tank.

Note: The whitish rocks to the right of the tank are not included. Thanks :)
I don't know how small you are looking to go but I am thinking of getting rid of my 30g JBJ rimless if your interested