New 1" mantis- what to feed him


New member
Got him at a meeting, 1" brown mottling and green eyes, and very inquisitive. I have him in an 8 gallon hex and was wondering what you all use for such a small specimen foodwise. I have been using frog bites. He's much too small for the shrimp bites that I pass to my 3" N. Wennerae on a stick. I was orginally going to put the two in the same tank but he looked far too cute for "deathmatching"
Probably eat him also! My little guy eats about anything. Mysis shrimp would be good, or break up the shrimp pellets. I also get Ghost shrimp feeders when I can.
Hrm... was just going to post this same question.

Aside from tiny ghost shrimp (which I hadn't thought of, THANKS) and shrimp pellets which I already use what else is anyone else feeding to juvey Mantids?

I have also fed a small hitchhiker snail (took him two weeks to notice it) and the occasional bit of cyclop-eeze.

Looking for 'natural'/live foods that can be kept with him ('him' being my tiny G. Smithii, 'Tim') for eating at his leisure.
My 1.5" N. Wennerae eats smaller pieces of frozen Mysis, little bits of cocktail shrimp from the grocery store, oh, and the occasional small hermit crab when I don't feed it often enough.