New Bulbs!


Premium Member
So it's been a little over a year now and everybody says you should change your T5 bulbs every year. I added a few bulbs to the latest Custom Aquatic shipment and put them in today. I also up graded to the Gieseman bulbs. I thought I would just show you the difference.

Old bulbs:


New bulbs:


I was shocked when I turned on the new lights.

Here's a bonus pic, my new brain coral.

Nothing like a new tang! He's a algae machine. For the first few days I was worried, I had turned a few rocks over that were covered in hair algae and it was starting to peak up from in-between the rocks. Came home one day and there wasn't a spot of algae to be found anywhere in the tank. I haven't seen any algae for a week now. I've been trying to feed him some nori, but he doesn't seem to eat it yet. We'll see!
what are the colors on those bulbs or do they only come in one color? i just asked this exact question in another post.
The bulbs are a 10,000K Daylight and an Actinic 03 Blue. Both are from ATI Aquaristick/Gieseman. Like Dana said some where they're the same company now. The bulbs are expensive, but look to be worth it.