New Corals


New member
Are your new corals acclimating well? I got mine in last night, and the leather was opening even with the lights off. The snails were munching away as well.

They sometimes take some time to open up, but they are pretty hardy, I'm sure they'll do fine.

now the hammer coral or frog spawn the hard base cracked when he fraged it i guess or when we came here is that ok? will it split into 3 seperate colonys now??
Don't worry about the crack, it should be fine, and no, the crack will not cause it to split into new heads. At least not right away.
would it hurt them if i trid to split them myself?? should i glue the pieces abcktogether or just let it fuse itself where it makes new skeleton??
I would leave it as is, at least until it's a little better acclimated to your tank. No point in causing it more stress.
Just glue it down to a rock it will be fine It will eventualy divide into three heads.

It was nice to have you guys stop by.