New Fish at Robs


New member
I stopped in at Rob's today (I'm not sure that I'll go to the meetings...even though I joined the group online..never enough time on the weekends)... thought everyone would like to know he has gotten some pretty neat fish in.

If anyone has seen the two carpenter flasher wrasse fish he has in his show tank ( I had ... and have been waiting for him to get some in ) .... he got some in yesterday.... they are beautiful.

He also got in something I had never seen before... a walking batfish... make sure you check it out during the meeting if its still there...definitely an odd lookin fish ... and a definite conversation starter...if I had a bigger tank (and didn't have to worry about getting an earful for spending too much on the fish tank when I got home ) I would've gotten it :)
Oh..yeah..what he said :) ...I always forget the names and have to ask again...heh....or I do a google and find a fish/coral that looks like what I got.....
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Well..this is nowhere near as good as some of the other photos posted on the site..but here are some photos of the wrasse I got from Rob...






I've been trying to play with the settings on my camera to get better photos..but can't seem to get any better than these...
I was in Rob's Reef today and very impressed with his fish selection. It is worth going over to see him if you are looking for a new fish.

I was impressed with the whole operation. Its worth the drive from southside jax for me. I got a very nice acro maryae frag from rob and its very blue. Pat did you see that sailfin he had? I really wanted it but I have too many fish
Yes, the Salfin was beautiful. This weekends meeting is a must attend at Rob's Reef. See you there at 3pm.
