I will be happy to post pictures as the project progresses
I have a $35,000 budget for this project and so far I am right on track thanks to putting together a project plan and with the help of Anthony Calfo.
Quote: Yellowboyviet - Is that green house a kit, or are you building it? Love to see the finish product. Keep us updated --- This is a kit from atlas greenhouse in GA.
Quote: Mr Neutron - How's Tennessee treatin ya Joe? Looks like you have a good bit of work ahead of you but keep the pics coming --- I love it here I went trout fishing last Sunday and I am going this Sunday. I live about 25 to 40 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountain National park. I will be getting my tanks delivered next week
(12 - 240's, 4 - 90's and 3 - 120's). The tanks are all fiberglass. One last item I tested my water for TDS and I get a reading of 63 right from the tap. This is allot lower then in Orlando which was about 135, So I will be saving on RO/DI filters.

acificaquatics2000 - Can you list the prices of the materials and how much was the green house kit cam b -----
1) dirt to level the grade 9 truck loads $1000.00 with bobcat
2) 556 blocks at $.50 each and 2 yards of sand total ($325)
3) Lumber to build stand $497.
4) Plumbing $500.00
5) the greenhouse kit 16 x 36 complete with pcss covering
(twin wall covering), 50,000 btu LP heater, 30" fan, 2 motorized
shutters, glass door and delivery $8200.00
6) fiberglass tanks and delivery charge $9935.00
7) misc parts - like Skimmers, pumps(Water and Air), cal
reactors,etc. $5000.00