New member
i bought my Kole wed night. nice 3.5" yellow eyed perfect specimen. already changing to burgundy, saw it eat shrimp in store. since i put in my tank it has not taken nori on clip, mysis, full spectrum or formula 1-nothing. BUT it does graze on glass and alittle on LR throughout day. is that enough for it?it's still fat. i have little algae on LR have alittle more torwads corner tank overflow. that's why tunze is coming soon. should i keep offering nori/seaweed selects, he shows no interest yet?i've had 3 tangs in past 3 years, all seperately and all from same store. they all went MIA eventaully w/ LLD. i fed properly, etc etc, but they all got it. with the new Kole this will be my final try. i bought all 3 from same store and i think they may have a problem w/ their fish. I bought this 1 from a very reputable store, didn't get a juvenile like others, removed more LR since last ones. i want this thing to do good and eat right. so far it's attitude is more comforatble than all last 3. he's swimming alot w/ lights on, when not on, cruising through holes and caves. i'm very picky about my fish, and it took me over 3 months of looking at them to buy this 1. it needs to make it!:crazy1: :hammer: :crazy1: :hammer: :smokin: