New Mantis


New member

I've finally got a mantis shrimp. It is not the colorful Odontodactylus s. but it's a good size and acts much the same, i believe. I got him for 20 bucks at a lfs and he is about 4 inches. He is the common dark green color with some areas darker than others. The "meral spots" on his smashers appear to be white. I think he is of the "gonodactilade..." something... I will have to try to get pics later.

I keep him in a Eclipse6, but am gonna get a ten gallon so he can burrow more. He shares the tank with a blue damsel who he has never once gone for. The lfs store said he ate orange mollies, but would not touch the black ones...I think this is why the Blue Damsel has been so lucky!

I've fed him frozen shrimp, pork, and he smashed a snail apart that i got from Chinatown. I recently put in a hermit that i got from the beach and he quickly shoved the thing out of his burrow and would only hit it when the hermit came out. He did not attempt to crack it open and eat it though, which may be since the hermit was kinda large...but the next morning, the hermit shel was empty! and I found a single leg and that it...The shell was not broken at all. U think the mantis somehow pulled him out?

Anyway, this message is getting too long! But these mantis shrimp are great pets indeed!
Sounds like you have a Gonodactylus chiragra, a common reef flat stomatopod from the Indo-Pacific. They live in the intertidal and are very hardy animals. In fact, pound for pound, I think they probably have the strongest strike of any stomatopod. Fortunately, they only get to 4 inches.

The third, fourth and fifth maxillipeds (mouth appendages) of stomatpods are armed with strong hooks. They use these to tear apart food and pull it from shells, etc. It did indeed pull the grab out of the shell.

Gonodactylus chiragra

Gonodactylus chiragra

You're right!
I looked up Gonodactylus chiragra and saw some pics from E. Cheng's website, and that is definitely how my mantis looks!


Yea, he is feisty. He almost broke the heater when he first striked it. You're right, it's good he will not get much larger. I hope to move him into a bigger tank soon...
Over the years I have lost more mantis shrimp to broken heaters than I care to count. They either touch it when it is hot and strike, or the pilot light blinks on and they strike it. We are also exploring whether they can detect electormagnetic fields. We used to use plastic covers to isolate the heaters. Now I just keep my entire lab at 78 and wear t-shirts all winter.
