Linda Cline kindly contributes two awesome pics taken from a recent trip of hers to Papua New Guinea!
In the first, a gorgeous yellow lysiosquillid sits buddha-like as it scans the surrounding area.
see whether you can figure out the where a tip of one of its raptorial appendages is....
In the second, updated pic, she shows us the very intriguing relationship between two cleaner shrimps and a gigantic red spearer:
oh, yeah, she has some awesome pics of other undersea life as well in her website, so be sure to use the link at the end of the articles above...
In the first, a gorgeous yellow lysiosquillid sits buddha-like as it scans the surrounding area.
see whether you can figure out the where a tip of one of its raptorial appendages is....
In the second, updated pic, she shows us the very intriguing relationship between two cleaner shrimps and a gigantic red spearer:
oh, yeah, she has some awesome pics of other undersea life as well in her website, so be sure to use the link at the end of the articles above...