kaiyokanman28 said:see below..
I was just going over the testimonials on your website, and I have to say, I'm EXTREMELY intrigued about your live rock. I was going to set up my reef tank (my very first one) using Fiji LR and LS, but your company is really making me reconsider that choice...
Thanks we work real hard at this....
I DO have a legitimate question. What really intrigues me is the myriad of life that comes on your LR and in your LS, but have there been any things in there that a beginner like me would have trouble keeping?
Just follow the directions on the website, and if you have any problems just call us, or post here and ask for help!
Have you had any reports from your customers of what sort of lighting they have found works best for your LR?
Use MH or VHO or copact..or a combination...
It's all so exciting, yet almost intimidating to look at 'The Package' and see everything that comes with it. Does your 'recipe' take all the life and critters that come on the LR into consideration?
Sure does!
*smiles* The prices are outstanding for everything that comes with 'The Package' I just want to do the research and do things right the first time before I truly take the plunge.
No problem, that is what we are here for!
Richard TBS
Thank you and Happy Reefing!
Andy :wildone:
liverock said:With the fed"s eh?
Then you know the game....you should see what it was like to get an aquaculture permit in the Keys, as it is all a marine sanctuary now..........and I am leaving again Monday to go back down and collect critters ....will be back thurs-friday..
Richard TBS
www.tbsaltwater.com :rollface:
sdharrington said:Hi Andy.
I'm a satisfied customer of TBS. I'ts been a year with my tank, and I still have beautiful rock. You asked a question about anything a beginner couldn't keep, so I want to give you some advice I wish I had when I first got my rock. After your tank settles in, you've done all your water changes, etc, eventually you want to think about feeding some planktonic food. I lost a lot of my beautiful sponge slowly and gradually over the last year, and started feeding Reeds Corals and Clams diet and rotifers (have my own culture, pretty easy to keep), and some of my remaining sponge is already growing more and looking a lot healthier. The TBS folks tout simplicity as a part of the ease of the package, and certainly that is nice. Thats why I went with them, as I was overwhelmed by all the choices I had to make. So, you don't need to feed planktonic food, but if you do, you will keep more of your life alive. My stuff didn't start waning for several months, so I would reccomend starting at about the 30 day point so as not to overwhelm the system with excess nutrients early on. Good Luck!
kaiyokanman28 said:Yup, I do know the game, and it's as frustrating for me as it is for you. I read your account about trying to get an aquaculture permit in the Keys. Definitely didn't make me envious outside of the fact that you did get it and your business is thriving from it.
Ummm...just out of curiousity...you won't be thinking about government and your troubles when you pick out the pieces of my live rock to send me, will you?*teehee* Though when the next hurricane comes through, I could put in a good word for you with SBA...
Yup, I'm sold. It'll just be about August or so before I get the tank all set up and ready for the LR. Bear with me until then...
Andy :wildone:
liverock said:A few years ago we had 2 hurricanes in a month, destroyed the live rock site......to make a long story short.....there is no help from any goventment agency as if you are operating under a "permit" of any type in Federal waters there is no help from FEMA as they exempt this activity.
I thought the rock had been blown away, but after about 6 months, when the sand receeded, bingo, it was all still there......which makes sence as the ballast piles from the spanish galleons which sank over 300 years ago are still in the same place. Our site is surrouned by ancient shipwrecks, one just a hundred yards from out site......
Richard TBS