New to Carbon Dosing. Pros / Cons?

Well, it is true the tank is young. But not that young. At the PB frag swap I picked up a nano. about 3 weeks ago, I found 5 rocks that would be perfect for scaping. Since I already had a tank ( I.E This one... which was started back in November :-P ) I put 4 of them in this one, and 1 in my other tank ( different life from each ).

Granted, I shouldnt be doing the dose, but I wanted to test it. 5 days into it, I havent had much but positive. Tbh, I think the Kenyas were on their way out before I even started... I cant figure out why though.


your not getting it are you?
Dude- Be a clown as always, thats what you Josh and Eric enjoy to do. I prefer to be more serious.

The guy has a tank that is less than 1 month old. Do you seriously think that a carbon dosing conversation needs to be had?

If he is already doing it, the most responsible thing to tell him is to STOP.


This will be my last post on this thread, but E, the OP did specifically ask to discuss carbon dosing. Marke and I answered his questions and just shared our experience, specifically what was asked. Neither Marke or I suggested the OP carbon dose. I think we are all on the same page here and are arguing from different sides of the fence, and if we all really sat down and discussed it, I think we would all agree on what needs to be done (Be patient, waterchanges, good habits, wait it out). In actuality, you're the one giving out the free advice here, LOL!

For the record, I totally agree that this is a new tank issue, and carbon dosing is not the answer. I also think its not bad to research and learn different perspectives on reefkeeping. My humble opinion. Carry on gentlemen!
This will be my last post on this thread, but E, the OP did specifically ask to discuss carbon dosing. Marke and I answered his questions and just shared our experience, specifically what was asked. Neither Marke or I suggested the OP carbon dose. I think we are all on the same page here and are arguing from different sides of the fence, and if we all really sat down and discussed it, I think we would all agree on what needs to be done (Be patient, waterchanges, good habits, wait it out). In actuality, you're the one giving out the free advice here, LOL!

For the record, I totally agree that this is a new tank issue, and carbon dosing is not the answer. I also think its not bad to research and learn different perspectives on reefkeeping. My humble opinion. Carry on gentlemen!

To both of you Rovster and Marke.: