new to clam s questions


New member
i am setting up a 90 gal and want to try my hand at a clam or two. will be lite by 2 aro pro series retro fit 175 se with 20k xm bulbs and 2 110w vho 50/50's or 10k's on an ice cap 660 ballest. will have a home made sump out of a 30 gal all glass tank with refugium: live rock, live sand and calurapa and jebo 520 skimmer with 500 gph gen-x pump. return is a gen-x 1000 gph submersible pump. other pump is a seio 820 tunze style and either another 820 or a 620. will have a crushed coral for substrate so won't get blown around too much. what kind of clams could i keep with this set up. would like a maixma or crocera.

thanks for the advice gurus.
I was a bit hesitant about getting into clams myself. I have 2 DE 150 Watt 10K coralife bulbs with 2x 96 watt actinics. Got a small maxima that's growing fast and I now have 2 Crocea's and a small squamosa. Sounds like your lighting and equipment is fine. Bear in mind though that your demand for calcium is going to go up depending on how many clams you ultimately add.
you will be able to keep any clam you want. I'd re-think the crushed coral though, it's about the worst substrate you can get for a reef tank.
what do you mean? i was going to mix 50lbs of special grade reef sand and 40 lbs of crshed coral. does that sound any better?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6935598#post6935598 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hig789
what do you mean? i was going to mix 50lbs of special grade reef sand and 40 lbs of crshed coral. does that sound any better?
they will separate and the sand will settle to the bottom. the reason people don't like crushed coral is that it catches and holds detritus.
thats true, after about a couple od months you will have a sand bed of special grade under a bed of crushed coral.
Sorry to take over this thread but mods do not let me to start a thread until I have 50 posts.

Anyway, my question is - can I keep clams with 4 VHO (440 W total, 50/50 and actinic) over 125 gal tank?
Should I place them on rock?
maybe a derasa or squamosa if you have them very high up. that really is not very good light for them, so you are probably better spending the money on a halide instead of a clam.