New to Mangroves


New member
I just recieved about 6 mangoves. I want to do my best to make these thrive. Please help me with any tips or advise.
I currently have them in a 40 gallon combo refuge and sump. I am running 18w of 50/50 pc every night for 10 hrs.
Also if anyone has some sucessful looking pics of there mangroves please post if you can. Thanks

In my experience, I think youre' going to have a hard time sustaining that many mangroves in system that small. At first, all six might flourish, but they will either stop growing and/or you will probably lose some (even with plenty of bright lights). The maximum I've been able to keep in a similar sized system is two--and that's with a heavily-fed tank and 8" DSB substrate.

Best of luck in your endeavors! You may want to sell some of those to your reefin' buddies. Better yet, start up a few more reef aquariums and keep the mangroves! :D

I'm afraid 18W of PC will not be nearly enough for six mangroves to survive. Depending on the levels of nutrients in your water the 40G may be enough to sustain them. But do look into some HPS or MH lighting and, in the meantime, keep that PC as close as you can get it - no more than a few inches from the tops of the plants.