new with clams


New member
well i saw a small maxima clam yesterday for twenty bucks and it looks great. its about two inches(hehe) anyhow i have never kept clams before and i was curious if i should purchase one. i have a ten gallon reef tank with a six line wrasse. mainly corals xenia polyps brain mushrooms candy corals leather. And i do have a blue legged crab should i take him out. Or should i not purchase a clam for my setup. i can walk away from the deal if suggested any thoughts. books?
It can be done, but I would pass. The main problem is such a small tank, usually has much larger fluctuations in salinity and ph. Clams are not horribly hard to take care of, but stability is the key. Also a 2 in clam in my opinion should be fed dt's, and in such a small tank it could easily foul your water and lead to bad things. If you do decide to purchase, yes remove crab. Second remove the clam from tank into a clean bowl (means has never had soap in it, or any other chemical) used exclusively for this clam and put clam and some tank water into bowl. Then add a capfull of dt's phytoplankton to feed him. After about 20 minutes place clam back into tank and discard water.

I did not see what kind of lights you have on this tank, but that would be another very important part as the clam grows.

A good book would be by author Daniel Knop on Giant Clams. Best of luck, and choose wisely. :smokin:
I would also pass. With a 10 gallon tank your water chemistry can chance faster than you think as you don't have a big volume of water and if you were to add intense lighting that is recommended for a Maxima it wouldn't take to much to heat your water up. IMO & IME.

well i think i will pass but i might just get that book and read up on them BTW my lights are 2 18 watt PC.probably not enough? thanks
Yes, you have chosen wisely. 2x18 watts are not nearly enough for Tridacnids. I applaud you for doing the right thing. Rob:thumbsup: