New member
Hi, I am new to upstaste reef and I saw on your website that all I have to do to join is introduce myself! My name is Sue. I am new to reefkeeping although I have keep freshwater tanks for almost seven years. I have purchased a complete salt setup from a friend who was moving. It is a 120 gal tank with a 30 gal sump. I also have skimmer, cal reactor, r/o unit, ect. Everything is set up except the cal rea. It did not come with instructions and I am still trying to figure it out. I have set up my tank with about three inches of sand, lots of rock four damsels and a clean up crew. I left it alone for about fro months until it was completely cycled (and then some). I have since added a yellow tang, three common clowns, two engineer gobies(which are driving me crazy), a bubble tip anemone, and a long tip anemone. (love the anemones!) I would love to join your club, and pick all your very smart brains if you would have me!!! Thanks Sue