

New member
Recently, I've developed a problem with Nitrates however everything else tests out good. This is the only chemical that's off within my system. I've done 2 30% water changes within the last week and I can't seem to get rid of this. The only area I have not done anything with is the refugium (for obvious reasons). I've also scoured the tank and haven't found anyone missing or signs of anything that has died or is dying. As for testing, I've tested now with 2 different test kits and I have received similar if not exactly the same response from each one. Does anyone have any ideas?
Do you run some kind of mechanical filter? (i.e. canister filter or filter sock?) (There may be a lot of waste in there adding to the nitrates)

At any rate, I would keep up with the water changes.

What is your bioload? Lots of fish? How big is your system?
The other option could be a bioload change. If you've changed a lot of things or added a lot lately, your tank could be cycling again which means you might not win the battle.