Nocturnal crab?


New member
Hi Anthony! Another question for you. I have some sort of crab in my tank. I did not put it there. I have seen it twice, and since have found where he likes to hide out. Unfortunatelly he is very nocturnal. He live in a hole the size of a quarter in the live rock. Big pinchers, and it apears to be red or purple. Any ideas what this might be! This crab is never out, so I am guessing he is out durring the night, but still stays out of site.

Thanks for the always.

Without a picture... it would be impossible to speculate on the information provided.

The point however is altogether moot... there are almost no crabs that are truly reef safe... and certainly not the stout clawed hitchhikers that come in with live rock.

Crabs are generally opportunistic omnivores. If this crab isn't a problem now/soon... it very likely will be a problem in time. From killing snails to knocking over corals, eating clams and catching small fishes.

Do remove it unless you can positively ID it as safe.

Best of luck,
