Not sure if this is good or not?


New member
Okay I read that a skunk cleaner shrimp will clean the other fish... well mine seems to be more attacking them then clenaing.... I have a Clarki Clown and a Butterfly.... I walked in my room today only to find that the clown was being held down by the shrimp... I wanted to know what to do... Any help would be appricieated.

(ps. thanks in advance)
I am pretty sure that the shrimp was not attacking the clown. When the shrimp is cleaning fish sometimes the fish will lay down on their side on the sand bed and let the shrimp go to town on them.
It's cleaning. They will clean in the gills which can look pretty invasive but is actually beneficial to the fish.

I've never heard of a cleaner shrimp every harming a fish.
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