Hi Jamie
Thanks for your reply, my tank is 48x24x24, no sump, lights twin 250watt m/h plus twin acintic, m/h on for 5 hours, acintic 6 hours.
My skimmer is a aqua medic turbo flotor 1000 multi.
cal reactor, rowa phos reactor are also running. A fluval 404 full of filter wool, cleaned or replaced every week. 40 kilos live rock. temp is controlled by a chiller at 26c. I change 10 galls per week with r/o water. my power filter goes through a uv filter. my redox is controlled by a computer and reads 450mv. my calcium is 460, nitrite 0, nitrate 5ppm, phosphate 0, mag 1350, ph 8.1-8.3, kh 9.3
alk 3.5. My water is moved by a wave controller with 3 power heads. my stock is only 1 yellow tang, 1 algae blenny, 1 scooter blenny, 1 clown fish with anemone. I lost all my fish when we moved house last march when a heater stuck on in the bucket which had the fish in.
I have about 12 leather corals which I propergated myself, also
have some hard corals. Forgot to say no sand bed, just enough for my open brain coral. corals fed with live phyto every day, fish with brine shrimp once a day. hope this helps.
Many thanks Steve.