NYTImes article: Are Aquariums Getting Too Lifelike?


It's pronounced Bone
An interesting article in the NYTimes about invert collection in Florida, also posts some pics from my local aquarium Atlantis Marine World. I would also look at the comments on the article itself, there are some 'interesting' viewpoints from those not in the hobby.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/23/s...sq=Are Aquariums Getting Too Lifelike?&st=cse

On the reefs in the Florida Keys, plenty of snorkelers and scuba divers take in the sights, and others fish with spear guns for sport. But a small third group collects blue-legged hermit crabs, peppermint shrimp and other invertebrates, not for food or fun, but for the aquarium trade.

There are an estimated 700,000 saltwater home aquariums in the United States, and tropical fish with a bit of rock and a plastic Diver Dan are no longer enough to satisfy the keepers of many of these miniature oceans. The fish are still there, but as technology and technique have improved, the aquariums are now often small-scale reef ecosystems, with living coral and “live” rock brimming with anemones, shrimp, sea urchins, crabs and snails.

The result has been a growing market for these and other reef invertebrates, many of which are supplied by about 165 licensed collectors in Florida. Those involved in the Florida fishery, which is concentrated in the Keys, say that it is sustainable and more closely managed than many others, with no new licenses permitted and daily limits on many species.

But scientists argue that the collecting poses a threat to the very ecosystems aquarium hobbyists aim to replicate. Aside from the long-recognized ecological impact of the trade in live coral itself, these researchers say the demand for invertebrates — creatures that often serve the same cleaning and pest-control roles in a tank that they do in nature — is such that the fishery may be unsustainable.

“We may be increasing the catch up to a point where you push something over the edge,” said Andrew Rhyne, a marine biologist with Roger Williams University and the New England Aquarium who has studied the Florida invertebrate fishery. “The question is, where is that edge?”

If a species is overharvested to the point where its numbers decline dramatically, Dr. Rhyne and others say, there can be a cascading effect in the ecosystem. Without invertebrate grazers and herbivores, for example, a reef may be overrun with algae.

Jessica McCawley, a biologist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, disagrees that the fishery is threatened. She helped update the regulations last year, and said: “These collectors are a special type of fisherman. They’re very concerned about the environment and the sustainability of the fishery. And they came to us and said, ‘Can you put some regulations on us?’ ”

Collectors also say that scientists don’t have the experience they do in seeing these invertebrates go through regular cycles of bust and boom.

Pete Kehoe, who has been collecting marine life near Key West for 35 years, recalled that after Hurricane Ike in 2008, he found one reef that had been scoured clean of blue-legged hermit crabs, which are valued in reef tanks because they eat detritus, helping to keep the coral clean. “You couldn’t find a shell on that reef,” he said.

But two years later, he said, the crabs have recovered, and then some. “The other day we were on that reef and someone said, ‘Have you ever seen so many blue-legged hermit crabs in your life?’ ” Mr. Kehoe said.

While acknowledging that some collectors are aware of the dangers of overfishing, Dr. Rhyne said there had been little scientific study of the blue-legged crabs and the hundreds of other species that are collected, including the 15 that make up about 90 percent of the catch. For example, with certain snails it is not known how long it takes for them to start to reproduce. If it is more than a year, then harvesting many of them from the same location year after year could be disastrous. There are many species that are probably not a concern, Dr. Rhyne said, but he added, “I don’t think anyone can use the word ‘sustainable’ when they don’t know enough about the animals.”

What is not in dispute is that the fishery has changed in the past two decades, coinciding with the rise in popularity of reef tanks. These aquariums include home or office tanks of a few gallons to several hundred gallons or more, and attractions like the 20,000-gallon coral reef tank at Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead, N.Y., considered one of the finest anywhere.

Jeff Turner, owner of Reef Aquaria Design of Coconut Creek, Fla., which builds and maintains large reef aquariums in homes, offices, hospitals and other institutions, says these are not mere decorations, but “an educational window into the sea.” The hobbyists and professional aquarists who undertake these projects, he said, “are concerned about the marine environment.”

The popularity of the tanks is reflected in a study of Florida fishery data by Dr. Rhyne, Michael Tlusty, director of the New England Aquarium, and others. As the researchers detailed in a paper earlier this year in the open-access journal PLoS ONE, the number of organisms collected from 1994 to 2007 increased by about 13 percent a year, on average, to about 8.8 million in 2007.

Over the same period, the types of invertebrates changed. In 1994, only 6 species among the top 15 were collected and sold for their ecological roles as cleaners, grazers, water filters and the like. The others were harvested for their ornamental value — because they look pretty in an aquarium — or as curios to be sold in shell shops and other stores. The most popular “working” invertebrates were turbonella snails, with about 175,000 collected.

Thirteen years later, 9 species among the top 15 collected were sold to fill ecological niches in aquariums, including nearly 700,000 turbonella snails and 2.4 million blue-legged crabs.

“Now, there are whole suites of taxa that people don’t really care what they look like,” Dr. Rhyne said. “They only care that they perform these services that are exactly the same as they are performing in the wild.”

For example, Dr. Rhyne said, peppermint shrimp, of the genus Lysmata, are not as showy as some other shrimp species, but since they control a pest anemone in tanks, their harvested numbers have increased twentyfold in Florida since 1994. “There’s just a huge demand,” he said.

The attraction to the hobbyist or professional is that using these creatures both replicates the natural ecosystem and reduces the need for less-natural forms of tank maintenance. At Atlantis Marine World, Joseph Yaiullo, curator and co-founder, scuba-dives in the reef tank regularly to scrape algae off the glass or trim the many multicolored corals, some of which he has been growing for two decades. Yet he also has sea urchins — scavengers that do some of the cleaning.

“If I can put some critters in there that make my life easier, I’ll do it,” said Mr. Yaiullo, whose tank has inspired many a home hobbyist. “I’d rather have urchins scraping away than me doing it.”

Mr. Yaiullo does not use crabs or snails in his big tank, and the urchins he uses come from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, another source of invertebrates. His coral thrives so well that he is constantly removing pieces, or “frags,” which he provides to hobbyists on Long Island and elsewhere for home tanks. But home hobbyists are not always as skillful at maintaining their tanks, which are susceptible to even small changes in water chemistry or temperature. Invertebrates die, for natural or other reasons, and must be replaced.

“The thing that’s always bothered me is the disposable nature of these animals,” said Eric Borneman, a longtime aquarist who has written two books on coral husbandry and is studying for his doctorate in reef ecology at the University of Houston. With invertebrates, he said, “there’s a huge amount of mortality in shipping,” and in tanks kept by people just starting out in the hobby. “How do you stop this mortality and this constant influx of animals from the wild to supply this trade?”

Collectors and others argue that even with high mortality creating an even greater demand, the numbers of creatures harvested every year in Florida are still not a cause for major concern. They say their fishery is not like other commercial fisheries that harvest huge numbers of fish or shellfish for eating. And the invertebrate catch is closely monitored by the state, said Ms. McCawley, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologist. “If we see an explosion in a particular species, then we can come back and revisit this at any time,” she said. “We feel these things are pretty well protected.”

Collectors point out that an unusual cold snap in January probably killed far greater numbers of invertebrates than are harvested each year. “Our biggest threat to this fishery is the changing conditions down here,” said Ken Nedimeyer, a longtime collector. “Our little collecting effort can’t even compare to a natural event.”

But Dr. Tlusty, of the New England Aquarium, said that in Florida “they are trying to manage this as a single fishery,” when there are hundreds of diverse species being collected, and about which not enough is known. While the state has done a much better job of managing its fishery than governments overseas, he said, “it’s probably time to go to a more adaptive management strategy.”

“Let’s make sure in our own backyard we’re doing things right.”

Dr. Rhyne added: “We’re not saying it’s going to collapse tomorrow or next year. But we need to do due diligence, so all of a sudden we don’t say, ‘Oops, we just caught the last one.’ ”
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Rather than debate this article, I'd be interested in a discussion about alternatives. My tank is (heavily) weighted towards aquacultured specimens (dead rock, aquacultured rock, frags, captive bred fish, rescued fish). Obviously my tank is not 100% CB (some fish, some corals, majority of the cleanup crew), but I try.

I use bristle worms, gammarus, mysids, stomatellas, asterinas. They all breed in my tank, but they aren't enough to do everything. I know pep shrimp have been CB, but I don't know anyone selling them CB offhand. I think inland aquatics used to iirc, but I am unsure if they still do. Crabs aren't necessary. I have a couple, but just for interest. IPSF captive breeds snails (Trochus intextus, Turbo sandwicensis, Strombus maculatus). Queen conchs are cultured, not sure about fighting conchs. I don't know any CB astreas, ceriths, nerites, nassarius, cukes, or larger starfish. Any other sources out there?
Beat me to it ! I just got this article forwarded by my wife who is a media strategest.Makes for interesting reading,as NYtimes does,shows both sides of the story.
I myself will ultimately try to use captive bred,but not always possible.The thing thats alarming me right now is all the "aussie" frags hitting the market,obviously cultered from the barrier reef.I really hope this is regulated as the great barrier reef is truly a natural wonder of the world.
I think the issue with CB inverts, pepermint shirmp for example, is that they are not worth the effort. Pepermint shrimp cost like $10 a piece, that is not worth the amount of effort involved in raising them commercially. I feel that if pep shrimp were banned from wild populations then the demand would simply fall off. The price of CB peps would be MUCH higher than $10 and there are other alternatives to aptasia eaters than pep shimp.


From Article:

"The thing that's always bothered me is the disposable nature of these animals," said Eric Borneman, a longtime aquarist who has written two books on coral husbandry and is studying for his doctorate in reef ecology at the University of Houston. With invertebrates, he said, "œthere's a huge amount of mortality in shipping," and in tanks kept by people just starting out in the hobby. "œHow do you stop this mortality and this constant influx of animals from the wild to supply this trade?"

Does anyone else find this statement odd?
Having unpacked more than my fair share of large invertebrate shipments, yes, I found it odd. In fact, I logged in to post just how wrong I thought that was (something I rarely do anymore). But ya beat me to it, Eric C! Either Eric B. was misquoted or is misinformed.
Greenbean- you really think that invertebrates suffer huge mortality losses in shipping? If so, may I ask what leads you to believe this?
On the invert shipping moralities, like with fish, I find it varies with the supplier. Some do an excellent job of packing and shipping and have very low moralities, some are just plain horrible. The way to stop those morts, is to not buy from the bad shippers and buy from the good outfits. Fairly simple, but too many like cheap which is what keeps the bad places in business...too many buyers just look at the price list and not the mort rates.
Many suppliers like SDC and Mary above are quite good and have low rates. However, there are some that do have high rates, though it's equally the fish and inverts with those bad suppliers as they cut corners to be cheap.
In times like this....I feel like I am living in a bubble and only see what we import. Although I might feel that I see and experience a lot more than the average company that imports live marines, it always shocks me to hear about "HIGH MORTALITY" when we rarely see the worst shipment over 20% which would be seldom and a big shocker! Normally we get way lower than 10% on average, and many many shipments under 5%.

Also, inverts typically ship easier with lower mortalities than fish, so why is Eric Borneman being quoted about them being such a problem? That's what confuses me. Thanks for Mary to chime in and support my thoughts, because I was beginning to question myself!

Transhipping is definately the area of concern, and when retailers start importing around the wholesalers, adding long lenghts of shipping times.....I believe this is where higher mortalities really are happening, but it's so hard for me to know not being in that world. I know that sounds self serving as I am a wholesaler....but let the truth be known! AMEN! :)
Does anyone else find this statement odd?

Yes, but also the bit about the high mortality with beginning aquarists, because if you notice Boureman didn't say it, the author just inserted it for whatever reason. About it, IMO that's the nature of the game. The same reason teen drivers are among the worst. Not because their teens, but because they're the first ones driving. If you had to be 30 to get your license, 30 year olds would be among the worst drivers. No matter what you do, people who are just starting out, are going to make mistakes, why criticize them? What are we going to do, ban people from entering the hobby?
Yes, but also the bit about the high mortality with beginning aquarists, because if you notice Boureman didn't say it, the author just inserted it for whatever reason. About it, IMO that's the nature of the game. The same reason teen drivers are among the worst. Not because their teens, but because they're the first ones driving. If you had to be 30 to get your license, 30 year olds would be among the worst drivers. No matter what you do, people who are just starting out, are going to make mistakes, why criticize them? What are we going to do, ban people from entering the hobby?

I don't think anybody should be banned from entering the hobby, but I certainly think we should all do as much as we can to spread the gospel of 'do your friggin' research before you set up your tank'. I mean, how often, just on this forum, are there posts from people who bought an animal completely inappropriate for their tank or who dropped five fish into the aquarium they set up the day before? There are a lot of casualties that could be avoided by doing some research beforehand. To use the analogy above, it's one thing to note that young drivers have more accidents because they're new. It'd be quite another thing if we just gave them their license and turned them loose without a single driving lesson.

I do also kind of feel that the general opinion on CUC inverts, as opposed to fish and corals, is that they're at least partways disposable. Hermit crabs and snails get plunked into the same tank, and the hermits eat some of the snails? Roll your eyes and get some more snails. Wrasse eats a few of the hermits? Snicker a little and get some more hermits or try out a different crab to see how it fares. Most 'CUC packages' you can purchase, at least online, seem to me to sell way more inverts than are really needed for the job (1 hermit crab per gallon of water?!) and that can lead to competition, infighting and critters eating other critters because there's not enough algae or detritus for everyone. When corals, fish or fancy inverts are threatened by tankmates, we hit the panic button, catch the victim or the harasser or, at the very least, do not repeat the pairing once there's a loss. When CUC inverts get trounced, eh, we get more.

CUCs are inexpensive, comparatively, and we have them for function more than form. Some people enjoy the form, but we all want the function. And I think, in some respects, they're seen more as tools for a job than as creatures in their own right.

I'm not trying to imply that everyone feels this way, but it has been my impression as I enter into the hobby, that, in general, CUC inverts just don't get the 'respect' that the other creatures in our tank do, and that may lead to higher mortality rates in home aquariums than other creatures suffer.
Greenbean- you really think that invertebrates suffer huge mortality losses in shipping? If so, may I ask what leads you to believe this?
Like Bill said, it varies a lot from supplier to supplier and from species to species. It's certainly nowhere near the mortality rate with fish, but it's still significant IME.

Virtually every shipment of anemones I've ever unpacked, with the exception of the one from the Waikiki Aquarium has had anemones that were badly bleached, had turned to balls of goo, or were so stressed they had no chance of making it. Almost every shipment of sponges had at least one, often several, that had fouled their water and had to be tossed. In a typical shipment of snails we'd get maybe 5-10 percent mortality depending on where they came from and what species they were, but in some cases, especially when they were shipped in water we would have to toss whole bags of dead snails. Hermits are basically the same story, though a lot of the dead ones were probably dead when the wholesaler bagged them. Sea stars were often in bad shape when they arrived. They were rarely completely dead yet, but they were often well on their way. Then there were at least two occasions where shipments got delayed due to severe storms. Given how they smelled and the fact that they we denied delivery I think it's safe to say everything in them died.

Even when we bought directly from the collectors from the Keys there would often be a few shrimp in the bunch that had shed so many of their legs that they stood no chance of surviving or being sold. Their zoanthids were often so beat up that they would get infections or turn to mush as well. Their brittle and serpent stars almost always had multiple missing legs and I'd be surprised if they managed to sell most of them. I highly doubt they take the unsold ones back home and nurse them back to health or release them back where they got them.

There are certainly some animals that ship well- I can't recall ever losing more than 1 or 2 Nassarius in a shipment and cucumbers, urchins, and clams almost always came in looking good. Catastrophic shipping losses definitely weren't common occurrences either. That doesn't mean shipping losses aren't significant. Is the loss rate cause for concern? For some species like anemones I certainly think it is, especially since we know they're overharvested in some parts of the world. For others, its probably about as low as we can reasonably expect and doesn't pose a threat to the species survival in the wild. Then again when we know virtually nothing about the population dynamics of these animals (which was one of the main points of the article), that's hard to say for sure.


Greenbean - Great id photo! Whatcha doin Friday night:)

Points well taken......it does seem that most janitor crabs and snails are disposable due to their short life spans....and maybe it's just the nature of the beast....cheap cost, short life spans, serving a purpose etc.....the point being, is the harvest sustainable.

The point I wanted to make, was simply that the statement is an exhaggeration and that we don't have a tremendous amount of mortality shipping inverts as was written in the article. I hate to see things like this which give the wrong impression. This is definately not the first time I have seen gross errors when people are quoted, whoever is at fault...the person quoted or the person writing.

As far as new hobbyist concerns....that has been Borneman's mantra forever! I remember one of his first public speaking events where he quoted the number of hobbyists he had responded to during online conversations...I think back then it was compuserve. Eric has always pointed out the concern about new aquarists and that most mistakes are made as beginners.....well...ok, that might be true, but today, there is so much more information out there to be read, that technology has greatly decreased the ignorant mistakes that previous hobbyists didn't have an opportunity to know about. Also, I think most retailers left standing today take a firmer stance on customer service and are more proactive about new hobbyists and getting the right information out there. This forum and others have greatly reduced the number of new hobbyist errors....that's the point!

Anyway.....overall good article. I know that Florida has had a bag limit on hermits for years now and I have faith that the fisheries department are doing their homework and making sure that the numbers are being watched to keep the collection sustainable.

Have a great day everyone.
FYI, if a reporter asked me if I was concerned about the invert trade, shipping mortality wouldn't make the list of my top concerns. I don't think we're to the point where we can pat ourselves on the back about it though. I don't disagree with what Eric said, but it's not the answer I would have given. I'm not sure it's exactly the answer Eric gave either though, since he seems to think the reporter did a sloppy job of representing what he said.

I know that Florida has had a bag limit on hermits for years now and I have faith that the fisheries department are doing their homework and making sure that the numbers are being watched to keep the collection sustainable.
That's the problem right there and the crux of the argument in Rhynes' paper. FWC isn't doing the homework that needs to be done to ensure collection is sustainable. The only data they collect on the fishery is the number and species commercial collectors report. They do not report data on catch-per-unit-effort, so the data tell us nothing about whether the fishery is stable or declining. There is no data collection at all on what recreational fishermen collect. For most of the target species we know nothing about their life-spans, reproductive rate, age at first reproduction, or any of the pertinent information for management. With the exception of anemones (which seem to be overfished in Florida and the Caribbean at large) there is 0 data on population dynamics for the target species.

Without life history and population information, or at least CPUE data there is no way to effectively manage a fishery even if it is heavily regulated.