O. scyllarus: strange behavior after water change


New member

I've had my O. scyllarus for just a month and a half or less. He typically hides most of the day in this tube I got from home depot and buried in gravel...He always pokes his head out and readily eats when I put in any food. I very rarely see him come out completely and move around the 10 gallon tank.

Yesterday I did a 20% water change, and was sure the new water was the same temp and salinity...he peeked his head out while I did the change...and after I was done, he came out and was swimming all over the place, and bumping his head into the glass and spinning around and going crazy?!?!?
he did this for over 2 hours...and when I woke up this morning he was still out of his hole and moving around. When I opened the curtains he then went into his hole but did not peak out.

What's he doing? Does he think he's in a new place and trying to search the area? Doesn't make much sense, but no other explanation...Anyone have any thoughts?


The mantis won't eat now. smacks the food away...still hides. possibly about to molt?
back to normal

back to normal

the mantis' behavior has returned to normal...
guess it was just confused.