Ocean Quahogs


New member
Dear Dr. Shimek,
Im a marine science major at southampton college, also i am a long time reef keeper and reefcentral member. I recently read the newest version of your spinless column, "Okay, Clamrades, the Meeting Will Come to Order..." Its very well written and informative as with every issue. One specific sentence striked up my memory from my Invert Zoo lab. In the sentence you mention that geoducks and tridacnids have life spans of about a century and a half while Oceans Quahogs (Arctica islandica) are estimated to live much longer.

I found an atricle by J.W. Ropes entilted "Ocean Quahog; Arctica islandica" but the url is to big and im not that efficient with working computers.

I apoligize for kind-of picking apart your article. As a marine science major you hold my utmost respect and admiration.

Thank you for your time,
Alex Mattis