Octo movies


New member
The first octo movie I took tonight can be seen by clicking on this link: http://www.schmunkel.0catch.com/salt/octo1.avi

I have another 12 second one of him trying to catch a molly, but I can't figure out a good compression tool to use. I have several to choose from in my quickcam video editor software, but most have made the video look horrible. Any suggestions? I've seen Colin's videos and they look great for their size. This one is 320 by 240, and I would hate to have to go smaller. My web site changed it's file upload limit to 1 meg files, so I can't even host the larger movies there now(which was the point of my site). Any ideas besides finding another site?


if you want good compression go for divx. Im not sure if divx is available on mac, but definitly on PC. Divx is great quality and so so small. Of course not many people can view divx movies without downloading software (only 800k) from divx.com. Check out divx.com they might have the right software to allow your quickcam program to compress into divx
Well mike,
thanks for posting that!

There is one thing tho....... if thats a bimac....there is no way mine is, thats for sure...
