Just Kidding... really nice job.... as usual. I hope you continue to enlight us on the other myths that abound in this glass box hobby. again.. thanks for the article and keep up the good work.
You can count on it. Now if only I could retaliate against some of the articles I read in one of those "annuals" I perused through while in line at the LFS - 'bout made me choke.
Eric... Retaliation for you should be dispelling the smoke and mirrors that some of these authors advocate.
I think that you and Dr. Ron among others have the gained the respect and believability quotient needed to set all of us strait.
What I like about your attitude is that... without scientific evidence all we have is anecdote to rely upon and anecdote is often suspect and should be carefully weighed against common sense and repeatability.
Hey Ron - do you hear that? Our ploy worked. We got 'em all fooled. They think we know something!
I think the main point I intend to keep preaching is how little we know and that the smoke and mirrors so often comes from pretending we do. Just read a Kent advertisement!
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